Thursday, February 18, 2010


It may not be the 10th anniversary of the September 11th air attack on America just yet but that isn't slowing down a new national protest movement. Those who seriously believe that the United States government covered up much of the truth about that fateful day in 2001 once again are openly questioning the explanations that have been provided.

"Measure everyone by their position and their comments or lack of comments concerning this signal event. Measure everything they say in relation to their position on this event. For those of you who know that this is all a lie, I ask you NOT to go to work on March 19th in protest of this event and all of the events that have followed. I ask the residents of every nation on Earth to take this day off from your usual duties and stand down in protest of the terrible lies and events that cloud our existence and circumscribe our freedoms.
Send a message. Stop the machine. See your power and in seeing it, expand it." --- LES VISIBLE

To this day, one of the major mysteries that remain unexplained is the loss of the third tower on 9/11. Video of that building's collapse show it was not hit by either plane nor was it struck by either of the other two towers. The building fell in what can only be described as a typical "controlled demolition".

Check this link for additional thoughts from Les Visible on the Smoking Mirrors Blog.

In a related bit of news --

As of January 2010, over 1,000 architects and engineers have signed our petition demanding a truly independent investigation into the destruction of the three World Trade Center skyscrapers on 9/11. This petition, along with AE911Truth literature and DVDs, will be presented to every Member of Congress on the same day by the 14,000 active supporters of AE911Truth.

To underscore the importance of this milestone achievement, AE911Truth is launching a massive publicity campaign world-wide and holding a major Press Conference in San Francisco, California on February 19, 2010 followed by an informativeKeynote Luncheon to include David Ray Griffin and Steven Jones. We will also host a strategy and team development conference featuring our Architect and Engineer petition signers - many of whom will be flying in to San Francisco to join us. All petition signers are now welcome and encouraged to attend this very important mini-conference.

There will be a LIVE webcast via webinar on Friday at - watch in real time!

Monday, February 15, 2010


This is a link to a piece by "The Capitol Steps," (if you don't know them: the best satirical group performing for about 20+ years in the DC area), made up of former and present Capitol Hill staffers. Sound up---