I've spent many hours on web site work over the last 15 years and it still mystifies me when I look at the 'visit stats' we all must live by. In the old, early days of the Internet many Web Masters got by with claims of 'millions of hits' until people wised up to the fact that those numbers came from almost every little action your computer did to interact with a site.
The reality of a site's popularity actually comes from what is called "unique hits" or 'visits'. When one person logs on to a site, the number goes up by one, not 100. That's more in the stat called 'page views'.
SatireWorks.com (now with over 300 different slogans on a variety of issues), has had success in its infancy and has had some very good traffic. Unfortunately there are still days when the numbers change dramatically, with no identifiable cause, and we are always looking to sustain our growth.
Today I ask for your help to keep our efforts moving forward. Please tell your friends, associates and just about any one you can, about SatireWorks.com. You are a very important cog in the chain and if 100 people make the effort it could make an important difference for us.
Let me thank you in advance for anything you might do on our behalf.