Showing posts with label Conservative. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Conservative. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


There was a lot of talk about how much money the Democratic Party poured into Massachusetts to try to save the recent election between Martha Coakley and Scott Brown.

Here is a spot that the Brown campaign ran on their own and you can clearly see why he won.

Friday, October 9, 2009


Just a short note to our readers today.

I've spent many hours on web site work over the last 15 years and it still mystifies me when I look at the 'visit stats' we all must live by. In the old, early days of the Internet many Web Masters got by with claims of 'millions of hits' until people wised up to the fact that those numbers came from almost every little action your computer did to interact with a site.

The reality of a site's popularity actually comes from what is called "unique hits" or 'visits'. When one person logs on to a site, the number goes up by one, not 100. That's more in the stat called 'page views'. (now with over 300 different slogans on a variety of issues), has had success in its infancy and has had some very good traffic. Unfortunately there are still days when the numbers change dramatically, with no identifiable cause, and we are always looking to sustain our growth.

Today I ask for your help to keep our efforts moving forward. Please tell your friends, associates and just about any one you can, about You are a very important cog in the chain and if 100 people make the effort it could make an important difference for us.

Let me thank you in advance for anything you might do on our behalf.


I was reading an interesting article from "The New Ledger" this morning and it brought to mind a very old historic phrase: "We have met the enemy and it is us." Walt Kelly first used the quote on a poster to celebrate Earth Day in 1970.

In today's context from the Ledger article, the problem is that many -- if not most -- of the brilliant minds from the Right side of the political world, can easily be classified as "the little people". These are true, passionate Americans who recognize the injustice, arrogance and insanity that fills the halls of government today. They see and write about political corruption, over-reaching by law enforcement officials (wouldn't it be a blessing if the word 'justified' could be stricken from every police report) or the judges who mistake their role for those of legislators.

While a handful of people on the Right have become published authors and sell more than a few books, or appear on TV or at meetings, the typical Conservative blogger sits in the glare of his or her computer and eats another bowl of chili or munches on a PB & J sandwich. The tragic fact is these are the very people who need financial support. It can't come from heavily identified corporate organizations, it has to come from individuals who believe in the causes of freedom, justice and small, legal government.

If you have a favorite blog that you read or some other source that you respect in this fight for our country, take a moment to write to the source and ask if there is a way you can send them a donation. Do your part to say 'I believe in your efforts and I want them to continue'.

Check out the full article here:

Sunday, September 27, 2009


No one ever said it would be easy. There is a battle at hand between Americans nationwide and elected politicians (and those who influence -- or 'own' -- them).

April 15th was an opening salvo, the first skirmish and with a near news media "blackout", many citizens could easily have been discouraged. But that didn't happen.

Do we thank President Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid? Or do the kudos actually go much farther to encompass nearly the entire unresponsive and arrogant Congress? Barney Frank, Charles Rangle and others come to mind. If so many hadn't dismissed the outrage of Americans the effort might well have died in a wash of apathy. Thank goodness for small favors. The politicians kept up with their antics and more and more people said "I''m mad as Hell and I'm not going to take it anymore."

Sure, events planned for July 4th were less than dramatic, but the recent march on Washington DC (still not covered by major network media) was very successful. Whether you agree with estimates in the range of a million and a half people or not, the crowds were undeniably huge.

But one effective skirmish doesn't win a war. Understand Americans are at war with a President who is Hell-bent to destroy the foundation that this country was built upon. We are at war with the politicians who do not represent us any more. And the country is at war with shortsighted major media outlets who hope against hope that if they don't anger the politicians, some how they will be allowed to survive. Dumb approach.

Across the country the more dedicated, more aggressive Tea Party and Meet Up groups are holding planning sessions as we speak. Many are looking to the next big national holiday (Veterans Day in November) as their next protest target. Is that enough? No, not really because momentum must be maintained and actually expanded.

That brings me to the old adage: "What have you done for me (your country) lately?"

Right now is the time to be "speaking your mind all the time". Talk to friends, neighbors, people at work, at church, even at the grocery store in town. Engage them with your concerns about Washington and your state and local legislatures. This is not the time to be timid or quiet.

While you may find that trying to talk to your Liberal friends will be as effective as trying to negotiate with a terrorist, I suspect you'll be very surprised to find just how many acquaintances you have who are now more Conservative or Independent in their thinking. This is the base to work with. These are the people you want to appeal to and ignite their passions.

Look around. Ask around. Find more to get involved in and go out and save your country.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

MADISON, WISCONSIN the PC capital of the U.S.

A national news story ran Tuesday about Madison, Wisconsin and it immediately reminded me of a four-day visit I made to the city last Summer.  For more than a month afterward I found myself engaged in conversations about how Madison was a radically left, politically correct environment.  To an "outsider", many things stood out as very suspect.

The proof came in the news story.  Local police took it upon themselves to secretly attach a GPS tracking device to a private citizen's automobile.  This is exactly the same type of intrusion and surveillance that police would be required to obtain a court order warrant if they wanted to plant "bugs" in your home or place of business.  Not only did the police act illegally in placing the GPS unit, they illegally trespassed by gong onto the home owner's property (again without any court order or warrant), to access the car.

Actions of the police were challenged in a current court case in Madison and the (activist) judge completely cleared them of any wrongdoing!  Obviously the right to privacy comes very low on the judge's level of importance.

This whole approach is far too similar to the Third Reich and NAZI Germany.  Don't think this can't happen to you unless we, as citizens of the United States yell at the top of our lungs "NO.  YOU CAN'T DO THAT!"

Select from over 100 slogans so you can "Speak your mind all the time" at Bumper stickers, T-shirts, buttons, hats and more.