Big Rig truck driver’s have long since been considered by many as being the “Last Great American Cowboys”. Just get in their way in Pittsburgh this time of year and if they don’t push you off the Interstate, they’ll at least scare you out of their way. Try driving in the center lane of I-95 or I-75 down south and if you aren’t going AT LEAST 75 to 80 mph, you will get run over!
But in all fairness to the rest of us, the real “open road” still belongs to those who want the wind in their hair, the bugs in their teeth and the freedom to ride their two wheeled horse without a “skid lid”. No, demographically these aren’t the gang members or “James Dean” bad boys of forty years ago, but they are the (both men and women) motorcycle riders of today.
The feeling of FREEDOM in their riding is alive (but not well) in 27 states today because despite repeated extortion attempts (withholding highway funds and more) and extreme pressure by bureaucrats in Washington, these states still allow adults to ride without helmets.
But take your photos of smiling bikers today because very, very shortly, the states’ right to allow such freedom will be squashed like a bug.
The outrageously Unconstitutional “Health Care Bill” (or whatever name it masquerades by today), is packed with so much back door power and regulation, it will be childs play for Federal Government Agencies and Regulators to simply send out a memo to law enforcement nationwide that make the wearing of a helmet MANDATORY. After all, it will cost the Federal Health Care Insurance Agency (Opps! Did I let the cat out of the bag?), if someone gets hurt.

Over the next six months at every single opportunity, ask, e-mail or phone your state legislators and inquire what have they done to stop yet another power grab by the Obama Administration from states across America.
Every state has a “Motorcyclist Rights” organization of one form or another. Contact them today and make sure their members are aware of this coming violation of their rights. On the national level it’s time to begin a letter-writing campaign to the AMA.
For those of you who don’t ride, understand you are next.
Remember all the cartoon jokes early last year when Obama began firing people and took over the auto industry. Remember all the pictures of the “Pelosi-mobile” that she'd love to order you buy and drive?
Understand, all the time this Organized Criminal government intervention is taking place, I'll ask you to watch out for one thing. The next time you are on a highway that has a HOV lane, you may notice that local or state laws allow "Hybrid" or electric vehicles to use that lane with only one person aboard. Oddly enough, 9 out of 10 of those drivers are speeding. (That's "conservation"?) It's like one of our stickers says: "A Prius isn't an ECO car, it's an EGO car!"
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