Everyone absolutely must get involved and make your thoughts known to your senators and your local congressman regarding this disastrous health care legislation. Don't wait until it's passed then complain about rationing of health care itself, less access to doctors and specialists and the very real possibility of you being forced into a wholly government run system where your current insurance may very well bcome null & void. Congress is at recess and the representatives are back in your area holding town hall-type meetings. Make your opinions known!
In our lifetimes, this is probably the most important issue ever facing us, and it's a very negative one at that.
Please look at this You Tube video:
This video that was made of US Rep. Tom Price-6th Dist. on Wednesday.
Tom is a member of the House Healthcare Committee, and the video was shot in the Wed. Committee meeting. Please tell your friends to stop by this blog and watch the link with Tom. This healthcare legislation MUST be defeated. Tom has said that our Constitution is being burned right before our very eyes. We must, Democrats and Republicans alike, let our leaders know that this plan is unacceptable.