Showing posts with label terrorism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label terrorism. Show all posts

Monday, January 18, 2010


Marc Thiessen, the author of the new book Courting Disaster will be interviewed by Sean Hannity at 9 pm on Fox News Monday night.

Thiessen's book takes an in-depth look at President Obama's first 100 days and just how much Obama's efforts wiped out many of our national protections against terrorism.

According to the Regnenry Publishing release:

"Within 48 hours of taking office, President Obama eliminated our most effective weapon in the War on Terror: the CIA's enhanced interrogation program.

Several months later he released sensitive documents detailing our interrogation methods of high-value terrorists.

By eliminating proven tactics and exposing our secrets to the enemy, Obama not only opened up the door to the next 9/11, but unleashed a flood of recrimination against the intelligence officers who have protected us for the past nine years."

Courting Disaster reveals:

  • Why the CIA tactics were NOT torture and not even close to those used in Nazi Germany or the Spanish Inquisition
  • The unique tenet in Jihadist ideology that releases terrorists from withholding information during interrogation
  • Why detainees actually thanked CIA officials for using the enhanced techniques
  • How the Obama administration won't even let our intelligence officers use interrogation methods that police officers use every day to question common criminals.
  • New evidence that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi knew about and approved CIA waterboarding
An urgent call for renewing the programs that are essential for protecting America, Courting Disaster exposes the myths surrounding "enhanced interrogation techniques," defends the brave intelligence officials who kept us safe, and shows how President Obama is inviting the next attack.

Tune in to see Marc's interview with Sean.

Friday, November 6, 2009


Reports came out Friday morning that Major Nidal Malik Hasan was a strong Islamic Muslim supporter and even handed out copies of the Koran to neighbors prior to his attack at Fort Hood Thursday. Sounds like premeditated terrorism to me.

Major Hasan has also been accused of calling out to Allah during the killings of 13 people and wounding of 30 others on the base. But you may not hear any of this today based on just what "news" organization you listen to or watch on TV.

What you probably will hear is how the officer was suffering from "PTSD" (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and it caused him to "snap".

The problem with this approach is twofold. For those who actually have suffered a truly traumatic experience or experiences (like combat) in their lives, and they need understanding and the best treatment possible, "Excuse Media" denigrates those victims as they try to apply the label to Hasan. He has never been in combat. He has never been sent overseas at all and he is American, born in the United States.

The other concern is that with each passing day, these same PC people are trying to establish a whole new category of people to be pitied. This becomes the world's first case of "Pre Traumatic Stress Disorder".