Showing posts with label Amateur. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Amateur. Show all posts

Thursday, November 5, 2009


For the many Americans who still don't realize just how big an inferiority complex Bill Clinton had and why the term "shame-based control" was invented by Hillary (she knew every time Bill had sex and always feigned that she would expose him if he didn't follow her lead), shortly after she and Bill left college, perhaps Obama will give you a second chance to understand Puppet Presidents.

Let me put it in terms any long time computer geek would understand. President Obama is "Vaporware 2.0". A lot of promise that this new Operating System will correct all the mistakes of the past, but it never delivers. Obama is already in need of a series of drastic revisions because of his lies to Americans in general and to his Progressive Left supporters. The recent elections that utterly failed to rally his base prove even the hard core understand he is smoke and mirrors.

Maybe that's where the idiotic comments from the White House are coming from. Disenchanted minions are wandering the halls wondering where their Utopia went in the last 12 months.

Is it any surprise that women like Valarie Jarrett, Nancy Pelosi, Michelle Obama and others are so busy trying to micromanage everything (and hide who is really "in charge"), that occasionally they lose sight of the fact that some members of their team are just morons. Hey "girls". Do you think some of the troops got sick on the "Kool-aid"?

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I guess we won't see it in the immediate future but it certainly would be nice if FOX NEWS or any other broadcast organization would put up a disclaimer that they have nothing to do with an ad, especially when they run ads for RADICAL BS ARTISTS who are trying to steal our country.

There is a new health care ad running on FOX NEWS and other networks that (as usual) promises Americans everything they could ever want from new health care laws. Of course promises from groups or individual who have no credibility are worthless. Unfortunately too many citizens might easily mistake this current soft pitch ad campaign as one for genuine, positive change. It's not.

What I am speaking about is the new spot being run by the Americans for Stable Quality Care. Do you know who created the ad?

The is a project sponsored by Americans for Stable Quality Care (ASQC).

"We represent doctors, nurses, technicians, manufacturers and health care consumers. Our organization is supported by the American Medical Association (AMA), FamiliesUSA, the Federation of American Hospitals, the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU)." Now there is a group only a Radical Liberal could love!

It easy enough to point to the SEIU as a typical supporter because many have revealed that the organization's agenda is to UNIONIZE everyone in the health care industry. What you probably don't know is that the PhRMA group has been spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to promote Democratic Congress members who are in severe danger of losing their office in the 2010 election.

One such person is Suzanne Kosmas in Central Florida. Representative Kosmas has voted 93% of time for Pelosi agendas. Her "partner in crime", Representative Alan Grayson, has also been backed by the group. The ASQC wants to keep them in office so they can continue to ignore the American public and seize more power.

Many of you have recently become aware of the thousands of doctors who have (sadly) resigned from the AMA because of its support of "Obamacare". Being in bed with the SEIU on this ad campaign is just another example of how corrupt the AMA has become. Congratulations to every doctor or health care professional who has quit the AMA!

If you want to read the BS being spread by these radicals, stop by their web site and get a laugh for yourself.

250 slogans to "speak your mind all the time" at

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Canadian Free Press Looks at Obama

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Obama’s White House is Falling Down

By Daniel Greenfield 6/11/09

In the sixth month of his presidency, Obama has turned an economic downturn into an economic disaster, taking over and trashing entire companies, and driving the nation deep into deficit spending expected to pass 10 trillion dollars.

Abroad, Obama seems to have no other mode except to continue on with his endless campaign, confusing speechmaking with diplomacy. It is natural enough that Obama, who built his entire campaign on high profile public speeches reported on by an adoring press, understands how to do nothing else but that. Ego driven photo op appearances and clueless treatment of foreign dignitaries.

While the press is still chewing over Obama’s Cairo speech, this celebrity style coverage ignores the fact that Obama’s endless world tour is not actually accomplishing anything. Instead his combination of ego driven photo op appearances and clueless treatment of foreign dignitaries have alienated many of America’s traditional allies. Those who aren’t being quietly angry at Obama, like Brown, Merkel or Netanyahu, instead think of him as as absurdly lightweight, as Sarkozy, King Abdullah or Putin Do.

While his officials carry out their dirty economic deeds, Obama responds to any and every crisis as if it were a Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland musical, with a cry of, "Let’s put on a show." Thus far Obama has put on "shows" across America , Europe and the Middle East. And what the adoring media coverage neglects to cover, is that Obama’s shows have solved absolutely nothing. They have served only as high profile entertainment.