Showing posts with label Democrats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Democrats. Show all posts

Monday, January 18, 2010


This new slogan says it all.

country back in 2010." Available today at .

Thursday, January 14, 2010


The old phrase "Revenge is best when it is served cold" may fit here or perhaps it's more simply something like "You reap what you sow."

It was the Democrats who rammed through the "Motor-Voter" act years ago that allowed people to show up at the polls on the day of an election. For a very long time that approach was credited with the theft of the state of New Hampshire when many claimed college students in the state voted in more than one location and the Democratic Party was accused of actually bussing Liberal voters into New Hampshire from both Massachusetts and Vermont. Numerous Selectmen in NH were so outraged that they threatened to track down the phony voters and charge them resident taxes!

Well maybe it's time to return the favor. We wonder what it might be like if people on the national level started posting ads on Craig's List and any other free classified sites on the internet, encouraging adults from Connecticut, Rhode Island, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine (or beyond) to "move" to Massachusetts for a few days next week. All they need to do is show up at the polls and produce a hotel receipt or some other document that illustrates they reside in Massachusetts EVEN IF IT IS TEMPORARY!

At the very least, every out of state college student should encourage Conservative and Independent classmates to vote.

I think that would be very suitable pay back for all the antics the Dems have pulled over the years! Come to think of it, let's use the same approach in November and have 100,000 people move to San Francisco....

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Just when you think there couldn't be another insane idea from the Democrats in Washington, they confirm there is more idiocy where the previous nonsense came from.

The idea of a "war tax" that was floated Monday leaves just about everyone scratching their heads.

I guess it's time to remind people taxes are the Democrats drug of choice. They don't even need a reason to grab the needle and shoot up again, it is quite simply an addiction. When, as a group, the Democratic Party finally destroys the entire economic structure of the United States and every single citizen in the country is on the lowest level of poverty, what will the party do then?

The whole idea of a "war tax" hits me two ways.

(1) We already have a Defense Budget that relies on the current collection of taxes from Americans. It reminds me of Massachusetts (yes, that state that is going broke paying for the preview of Pelosi's crushing National Health Care fiasco) and New Hampshire. Over the past few years politicians in both states (both of which are controlled by Dems and copy each other in dreaming up new taxes or fees), have enforced a new tax on home owners. From day one a portion of real estate tax valuations have been based on the age old phrase "location, location, location".

In other words, if your home was located in a nice neighborhood it would be worth more. Along with that concept was if your home was on a hillside with a view, it obviously was considered in the best location of that same neighborhood. Again that affected the valuation and the amount of taxes you would have to pay. Then in the middle of the night some Democrat somewhere bolts upright in bed with their latest brainstorm... "Let's create a 'view tax'!!!

Of course it doesn't matter that a nice view from the home was already part of the valuation, it just sounds so politically correct to bill the "lucky ones" who have a nice view.

(2) The second thing that must be pointed out is this. Unfortunately, just a few months ago when Ted Kennedy died (did you forget already?), Democrats were caught with their hand in the cookie jar trying to steal money from the Defense Budget to build a memorial to Ted.

If a "war tax" were to be instituted EVERY SINGLE DIME of increased tax income would have a counterbalancing raid on the existing share of the Defense Budget. Congressional Reps would justify their theft, thinking that the military is still getting a lot of money and they will 'get by'.

Congress has become the biggest brothel in the country and citizens aren't getting any of the action, only the bills. SHAME ON THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY and any REPUBLICANS who chose to attend the money orgy along with them.

Monday, June 29, 2009


In the middle of the night as the country was emotionally distracted by the death of Michael Jackson last week, what better time would there be for Democrats to sneak an additional 300 pages into the "Cap and Trade" Bill that was passed last Friday.  Do you find it at all strange that when some members of the United States House of Representatives ASKED for a complete copy of the Bill they were told "No, it's not available" by the Democratic Leadership?  I don't.

Again our Congress passes a Bill no one has read.

What I do find appalling is that despite literally an endless barrage of e-mails and faxes to virtually every member of the House, NOT to support the Bill, it was passed anyway.  You can thank Nancy and her arm-twisting, bribe-distributing, extortionist  gang of hooligans (most often the ones wearing dresses -- whether they are female or not).

Just so you know, these Republicans voted for the Bill: Mack (CA), Kirk (CA), Lance (NJ), McHugh (NY), Reichert (WA), Smith (NJ) and Castle (DE).  Not only should everyone give them a call today, they have to find someone else to vote for in 2010.

In case you've been watching NBC, ABC or CBS News (where they did not report this), some of what went into the Cap and Trade Bill was a series of FEDERAL REQUIREMENTS that have already failed in California.  Just one?  Homeowners across the country would have to meet those standards that won't allow you to clear brush around your home so it's virtually guaranteed it will burn down when there is a fire.

Strangely enough, those codes are in direct conflict with the state funded campaigns in states like Florida (yes, they have fires too), where it is recommended homeowners remove excess brush.  But Californians like Nancy Pelosi and others do know what's "best for us", right?

Nationally, few people know that on July 1, 2008 California put into effect a new law that requires EVERYONE under the age of 13 to wear a life vest if they want to go swimming!  Try to tell that to even the PC crowd in the Northeast who routinely throw baby infants into swimming pools because "it's fascinating to watch them swim under water and then bob to the surface".  The rational in Sacramento?  They had too many illegal Mexican aliens (that they had 'welcomed' to the state), who didn't know how to yell "Help" in English!

This level of insanity and 'Nanny State' thinking is very much alive and well in Washington.