Showing posts with label attack. Show all posts
Showing posts with label attack. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Americans are gearing up for a national election to be held on November 2, 2010.

For the majority of people in the country this is shaping up to be the most important realignment of direction, power and authority that they have seen in their lifetime. Tea Parties, 9/12 and other events over the past year clearly reflect that there is a major level of discontentment within our society.

Will there be a massive shift from the stranglehold Congressional Democrats have had for years to a more Conservative approach? Many believe that this is not only possible, but very likely. Really?

After a year in which we have seen that no dirty trick, no lie or no level of ignoring the United States Constitution, was too much for Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid or Barack Obama and his organized crime family of administrators, I still think most Americans don't really "get it".

There are billions of TARP dollars that have yet to be spent by Washington that -- at the very least -- will continue to find there way into the districts of Congressional Democrats. As we head into July, August and September and the President and Democratic henchmen begin to finally understand CITIZENS WANT THEIR COUNTRY BACK, panic will rule the day. Remember the days late in the 2008 Presidential Election when the Clinton Campaign was quoted as saying "Nice kid, but he'll never beat us." And then reality came knocking and the deals began.

Deals are not going to work next Fall. Americans are not politicians. They are not in the game of wheeling and dealing. There will be no compromise. They want virtually EVERY DEMOCRAT to go!

Bribes and BS (Barack Speak) are not going to save the day for the Dems.

Faced with that there can be only one answer. Based on the track record of the Progressive Democrats who have kidnapped American there will be a classic "FALSE FLAG" attack on our nation.

Def: FALSE FLAG operations are COVERT INITIATIVES which are designed to deceive the public in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by other entities (our "enemies"). The name is derived from the military concept of flying false colors; that is, flying the flag of a country other than one's own.

What would be a "False Flag" under these circumstances? That's the tricky part.

Don't think for a minute that Obama has a clue. Once again he will turn to Soros and others that normally yank his puppet strings, but even these people don't have the answers. They only know how to get out a pipe or a billy club and do some persuading. They don't know the meaning of nuance.

So where does that leave them?

Actually all this supposition is a complete waste of time. While the "kids" of Obama's "Amateur Hour" get to play with the nation's economic future, taxation and even the value of our Constitution, the real power brokers -- the ones who tell Soros what to do -- are mostly overseas. Think of the de Rothschild Family (Banque privée Edmond de Rothschild), The Bilderberg Group, the Rockefellers (here in America) and -- a name you have never heard of -- Maurice Strong, the former United Nations crook who now "advises" and lives in China.

They know what must be done to manipulate Americans. I suspect that they already have a plan drawn up that will accomplish strategic goals and keep the Democrats in power.

(1) Any action must terrify the average citizen and encourage them to turn to the Federal Government for perceived safety and protection.

(2) A brief opportunity must be available for President Obama to cloak himself in the American flag, pretend to care and appear "patriotic".

(3) Every effort will be made by the national media for citizens themselves to rally around the President.

(4) Joe Biden will be hidden away so he can't play "Balloon Boy" and reveal the secret plan to everything.

Do you get it yet? The Crown Jewell to the plan is that November's NATIONAL ELECTION WILL BE POSTPONED -- INDEFINATELY!

Don't underestimate these people. Just imagine, if someone had told you just one year ago:

Our President would reduce your retirement plan's holdings of GM stock by 90% and give Unions a majority, controlling stake in GM.

Our President would bow to the King of Saudi Arabia.

Our President would burn 9,000 gallons of jet fuel to go plant a single tree on Earth Day.

Our President's Administration would okay Air Force One -- followed by a jet fighter -- flying low over millions of people in Manhattan.

Our President would create 32 political Czars who report directly to him, bypassing the House and Senate and undermining the Balance of Power standards in our county.

While we don't want to see a "False Flag" and certainly hope nothing like it happens, the "office pool" starts tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


truTV is now broadcasting a new series called "Conspiracy Theory", hosted by former Governor Jesse "The Body" Ventura.

The current episode jumps head long into the questions raised following the 9/11 disaster in New York City. In the documentary style piece Ventura works with a team of cross-cultural members as they investigate reports from eye witnesses who were on site that day and for nearly a year afterward.

While many would be quick to dismiss the effort solely based on Jesse's background history as a "Professional Wrestler", the fact is he represented a lot of "out of the box" thinking when he served as a governor. He's also not alone when it comes to concerns and disbelief about the "9/11 Report" issued by the Federal Government.

Ventura's team looks at the presence of explosive materials found in the dust and debris. For many there was no reason for the twin towers to collapse in the way that they did. Steel girders that should have withstood the fire from the jet fuel failed and eventually both structures fell to earth.

One of the other focuses of the episode was the formal report that the "black boxes" from the two planes were never found, yet at least one eye witness and a report from a second person, indicate at least three and possibly all four boxes were recovered and are now in the hands of the FBI. Aircraft disaster investigators confirm that there is virtually no chance that the boxes would not normally be recovered.

In almost a passing reference, Ventura does take a look at the strongest gem of 9/11 Conspiracy groups. The collapse of "Tower 7", the third large building that fell that day. Many have felt deceived over this issue because a perfectly good, 47 story high rise -- that was not hit by either plane or major debris -- ended up just as flat.

In video shot that day of that actual building (it's been on the web for years), the collapse appears to be identical to any we have ever seen in a professionally "controlled implosion" by a demolition crew. Ventura points out the occupants of the building were the Secret Service, Department of Defense and the Central Intelligence Agency, so for outsiders to stroll into the facility and plant explosives would be next to impossible.

I'd suggest that the building was prewired for security reasons and could be detonated at any time. After all, it did contain an immense treasure trove of critical secrets. Look around the world and you will see that American government agencies routinely move out of old "bug infested" complexes from time to time. What an opportunity to flush everything.

What was painfully missing in Ventura's efforts was the typical "follow the money" aspect of the whole day.

The World Trade Center complex had recently been purchased by one mega developer and real estate investor. Could it be that some structural frailty had been found that existed in two or actually three of the buildings and eventually all would have to be torn down? That would have represented a astronomical financial loss for the new owner, his insurance company and perhaps many others.

There is also the possibility that to some degree, there was the usual excuse of ego involved in wanting to replace the landmark not just refurbish it. Certainly an ugly thought.

But business is business and money is money. Most of all, power is power.

Could there have been conversations between members of the financial community and members of the government? Could it be that the need to level and recreate a huge section of Manhattan (with the distinct possibility of a huge gift of Federal funds), came together with a political need to stage a "false flag" event to strike terror into the hearts of Americans? One catastrophic event would be all that was needed to create and pass new legislation in Washington that in one fell swoop would steal away 200 year old rights our society holds so dearly. Enter the "Patriot Act", legislation that even now is being allowed to expire because some portions were completely indefensible.

It's these last few thoughts upon which much of the "conspiracy theories" rest. It's also these same concerns that are yet to be answered by Jesse's work or anyone else's.

One last reminder. When the "Tea Party" first gained some momentum in April 2009, people's actions were dismissed by politicians (Nancy Pelosi quickly comes to mind as one of the most outrageous). Today anyone who dares question the actions and events of 9/11 are held out to be "quacks" or "nut jobs" in the same way.

April and the Tea Parties were eight months ago. Look at the polls now. Americans support the Tea Party over both the Democrats and the Republicans because they are fed up with the absence of promised "transparency", the daily lies out of "leaders" in Washington and the unresponsiveness to any real issue.

Much like the years and years of distrust over the official report on the death of President John Kennedy in Dallas, government representatives, politicians and media spin masters have left more than enough doubt about 9/11 to keep this one alive for years to come as well.

For now, until a brighter light is brought to the issue and more Americans demand more answers, the events surrounding 9/11 are a mystery for each of us to settle in our own minds.

Current scheduling for the show on truTV has it on at 10 pm ET each Wednesday night with two or three repeats run at odd hours (usual overnight slots), each week. Upcoming episodes include titles like: "Big Brother", "Secret Societies", "Global Warming", "HAARP" and "Manchurian Candidate". Tell your friends by emailing them this link:

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Supporters of President Obama's Amnesty plans attacked Tea Party Against Amnesty & Illegal Immigration demonstrators in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida on Sat. November 14, 2009.

After President Obama's key ally Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) announced he would file Amnesty legislation this year to turn millions of illegal aliens in America into voters, immigration enforcement groups such as ALIPAC and NumbersUSA, and Rightmarch sprang into action.

Strategies and efforts by the ALIPAC group played a key role in defeating Amnesty legislation in 2006 and 2007, and have dominated the pro-illegal immigration factions in almost every state legislation battle in 2008 and 2009. It will take something truly historic for the American public to triumph over Amnesty this time.

As far as the altercation, is this just another thing you won't see in the "news" from the 'Lame-stream' Media? Must be the attackers took their cues from ACORN...