Showing posts with label rights. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rights. Show all posts

Monday, February 8, 2010


A Washington Post article reports that U.S. President Barack Obama has embraced the policy of authorizing the killing of U.S. citizens involved in terrorist activities overseas.

Chip Pitts, president of the Bill of Rights Defence Committee, has revealed: "...the Obama administration's even greater reliance on targeted extra-judicial killing - including of U.S. citizens - is a tragic legal, moral, and practical mistake."

"Even for those who accept the legitimacy of the death penalty, this further undermines the rule of law that is our best weapon in the fight against true terrorists, while completely subverting due process and constitutional rights of U.S. citizens," he said.

Ben Wizner, staff attorney with the ACLU National Security Project, said, "It is alarming to hear that the Obama administration is asserting that the President can authorize the assassination of Americans abroad, even if they are far from any battlefield and may have never taken up arms against the U।S., but have only been deemed to constitute an unspecified 'threat.'"

See the fulll article at:

Sunday, October 25, 2009


A few days ago some in the national media (including Fox News), ran with a story about a man in Virginia being naked in his own home.

For many viewers there could well have been a variety of reactions to the story so I have chosen to reveal an on-going problem with media members completely missing the point and misleading people.

The gist of things is this:

A neighborhood woman is walking with her young son at 5 in the morning.
Question: Is she a "professional" woman who has no other time in her schedule to be with her child? It's hard to imagine a youngster shouldn't be in bed getting the reasonable sleep so many of them desperately need.

The woman walks through a neighbor's yard (there is no indication or report that they are "friends" or anything other than two people who live in the same neighborhood).

Question: Isn't she trespassing to be on his property? At 5 am it is likely still dark and she actually is endangering her child because both could be mistaken for prowlers.

The man who lives in his home has a long-standing habit of sleeping in the nude and being an early riser himself, he has walked into his kitchen to brew some coffee. That is not against any law on the books in Virginia. In fact, being in one's own home has long been one of the strongest arguments in law concerning a reasonable expectation of privacy. That is the linch pin in the majority of "illegal search and seizure" court disputes.

While he is at the coffee pot (not standing in a window even looking out at the weather), the woman and her son walk by the kitchen window.

I don't know about you, but I can't remember the last time I saw a home design that had a kitchen window face the street so I believe it is safe to assume the woman is walking through this man's back yard, again clearly trespassing on his property.

She sees his naked body through the window (there is no indication that her son sees him as well), does not respect his privacy THAT SHE IS VIOLATING and she calls the local police and reports the man for "exposing" himself.

The man returns to his bedroom (there is no indication he even knew someone may have seen him), and he goes back to bed. Some time later police (plural) enter his home unannounced (with force?), and walk into his bedroom. They refuse to address the man's questions as to why they are there and they arrest him (for exposure).

Procedures at every level are violated perhaps because the woman who made the complaint is the wife of a local police officer.

Now the real questions.

If the woman was a self-confessed trespasser why wasn't she charged?

If the woman looked into the window of someone's home uninvited or without some reasonable excuse like they were close friends, she is guilty of being a "Peeping Tom" and a "Sexual Offender". Why wasn't she charged with that crime?

If police act in such a heavy handed way to barge into a person's home unannounced and awaken a sleeping home owner, there are no exigent circumstances (like the disposal of drugs or life-threatening scenario), why aren't all of those involved suspended pending an investigation of their actions.

The appearance of undue influence by the woman over the police authority (based on the marital connection or more simply a gender bias) is a very serious matter on par with any accusations of "racism" that arise in other inappropriate actions of police.

This whole episode is an accurate reflection of just how Feminism and the on-going war against men is unacceptable. Men's Rights are almost non-existant in American Society today. Remember, 80% of fathers still lose custody of their children in legal cases every day. In far too many cases fathers are (by the new wave of female judges or male judges who believe they "need" female approval) being Ordered to pay up to 160% of their gross income to support as few as one child. When they can't possibly fulfill these requirements, then they are quickly labeled "dead beats" and ridiculed by an ignorant media.

But of all the things that are absolutely wrong about this particular case is the life-long, electronic outcome of this man's arrest.

The computer records that were made of this police call and the man's actual (FALSE) arrest will live forever in data banks worldwide. Even the potential of a future judge ordering all information to be "expunged" will graphically illustrate how futile such an effort really is. In this day and age computers copy computers and the spread of uncontrolled data is an every day occurrence.

For the rest of his life this man, his employers, the legal community and others can and will see him represented as a "pervert" because of a sexual crime he was arrested for in 2009.

I sincerely hope the Chief of Police who oversees the officers involved in this incident orders a thorough investigation. I beg all investigators to avoid the overused and abused term "justified" in any report. That has become a loop hole for inappropriate police action that you could drive a truck through.

I hope true justice will prevail and the woman will be arrested for both trespassing and her actions as a Peeping Tom (whatever local or state laws cover such an event).

Finally, I hope the man who was victimized by the woman and the police retains a very aggressive attorney and sues all involved for violating his rights. While most government bodies unjustly drape themselves in ordinances that hold them harmless to many things, the long-term draconian effect to this man and his future justify the Police Department's exposure.

The woman was wrong. She was arrogant and out-of-control (obviously having been placated too often in the past) and she also should be investigated for being an "unfit mother", regarding her actions with her son. Did she even make an effort to "look away" or tell her boy to do the same?

Switch genders in this event and place a man on the outside looking in. Who would have been arrested in that case? Don't kid yourself. You already know. You also know he could well have lost custody of his son or daughter if one of them were with him.

All must recognize the severity of the gender war that is at hand. It is time for others to help start turning this Titanic around and away from the iceberg that is a total loss of Men's Rights.

Friday, July 31, 2009



Want to know how to order a pizza in 2010? http://aclu।org/pizza/images/screen.swf

Sunday, May 31, 2009


Even Democrats are shocked at this opinion from Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor and it's sure to make her confirmation hearings heat up.  The question now is will President Obama's latest "let's rush this through" command hold enough weight that the growing backlash can overcome a biased, blessing press and a Marxist political takeover of the nation.  

People who have found out how deeply Sotomayor's beliefs counter traditional American philosophies are now openly against her nomination.


Maloney v. Cuomo, Sotomayor signed an opinion of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit that said the Second Amendment does not protect individuals from having their right to keep and bear arms restricted by state governments.

The opinion said that the Second Amendment only restricted the federal government from infringing on an individual's right to keep and bear arms. As justification for this position, the opinion cited the 1886 Supreme Court case of 
Presser v. Illinois.

Sotomayor's decision rejected the Fourteenth Amendment's incorporation doctrine as far as the Second Amendment was concerned and her ruling ran to the left of even the reliably liberal San Francisco-based U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.

They reviewed a similar rights question and ruled in the April 2009 case Nordyke v. King that the Second Amendment did, in fact, apply to the states via the Fourteenth Amendment, heavily citing the Supreme Court in Heller.

Whenever you have a conflict like this, you’re likely to have it end up before the Supreme Court so they can decide the issue.  One question Sotomayor must be asked in Congressional hearings is whether she would recuse herself from any review of either of the cases involved -- if she was a member of the Supreme Court.

Already being questioned over blatant Feminist, Racist and joking remarks about "activist" Court practices and the Law, Sotomayor is now being defined as a "chip off the old (Obama) block" and a radical supporter of his agenda.  Her remark about "knowing better" rings arrogantly more true every day.

Read the full article here:

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Friday, May 15, 2009

SEIU, ACORN and Universal Health Care

What do they all have in common? Turns out, both SEIU and ACORN are subsidiaries of CCI, which is based in New Orleans. There are 270 companies all traced back to CCI, almost all, have something to do with health care services.

They all have reps in Washington every day lobbying for this Universal Health Care bill to be pushed through so they can get their hands on as much of it as they can.

They are also responsible for President Obama pressuring the Governor of California to rescind the pay cuts negotiated with their state health care workers. We all know California is in very serious budget trouble. They negotiated in good faith with the state health care workers who AGREED to the pay cuts to help the state of California.

Along comes SEIU who intercedes and gets Washington involved, threatening to withhold their stimulus money if these pay cuts are not rescinded.

I'm telling you people, it is not worth taking the stimulus money. The Federal Government wants to run every facet of the state and local governments which are supposed to be, according to the 10th Amendment of the Constitution, sovereign and separate from the Federal! of course their website is now blocked you just get the main logo

Lawsuits abound against ACORN, with ties to SEIU: 
National Review report

14 states have filed fraud charges on voter registration. They get paid based on how many people they get to sign up, in funds from taxpayers and money from political parties and corporations. 

This is all BIG money in politics and BIG money in health care. ACORN may have started out with the best intentions, but money has corrupted it's direction. They will also have to answer embezzlement charges.

So when you are thinking, gee that universal health care sure sounds like a grand idea, just think of the corrupt lobbyists and pocket padders involved and then think how they are going to affect the cost of this program.

Oh and that is just two of the 270 companies associated with CCI. It could get worse. Much worse.

--- Auntie Em  Libertarian Woman Blog  --blog link:

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