Showing posts with label Feminism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Feminism. Show all posts

Thursday, January 21, 2010


I knew going into the week that things were about to get interesting. No, I didn't claim any level of clairvoyance or have a shining crystal ball to guide me, like many others I was just looking at the hand writing on the wall.

When (on Jan. 5th) the store side of Satire Works started selling stickers, pins and more promoting the campaign run of Scott Green in Massachusetts, it was obvious momentum was really beginning to pick up. On a daily basis sales would double and then double again. In fact even this morning we continue to fill orders related to the newly elected Senator Brown.

What's important to point out is that those sales were going to both men and women in basically equal numbers. But what may be even more surprising to many is that we sold these items to people in 19 states -- Massachusetts, California, New York, West Virginia, North and South Carolina, Maryland, Georgia, Illinois, Virginia, Delaware, Louisiana, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Oregon, New Jersey, Washington DC and Idaho. I think that speaks volumes about the national attention and support this election generated.


So where do things go from here? Senator-elect Brown is making the rounds in Washington today and whether it's intentional or not, his future role can be easily summed up by his public actions. One of his first meetings was with his "friend", Senator John McCain. Yes, THAT John McCain who angers Conservatives across America and represents some of the most Liberal (Progressive???) values and opinions of any currently serving U.S. Congressman.

I'm not saying Brown is actually getting the "Welcome" mat thrown out by the Democrats, but with his open comments this morning about his previous votes in support of the Massachusetts (failing) health care bills, this would be an excellent time to remind everyone of this. Scott Brown comes from a state that is well left of center (after all, that's why there was such an uproar over a Republican getting elected in Massachusetts). In truth he was elected by the "Independents" who represent nearly half of all registered voters. Bottom line? Think through the realities and you'll realize Brown is no Sarah Palin even if he does drive around in a Chevrolet pick up truck.

Is that a terrible thing? I don't think so. His election was a great example of Americans (no matter what state they live in), storming the wheelhouse on the Ship of State. The voters wrestled control away and steered the American Titanic from the iceberg that was dead ahead.

This is a great success story and it should be celebrated. At the same time take a good look over your shoulder and remember the impressions and expectations that were created leading up to the 2008 National Election. Brown is no Obama, but he's still a politician and quite honestly, based on his voting record in Mass, I expect him to be a left-leaning Centrist most of the time.

As a final word on that I'd like to bring out these thoughts. I am extremely pleased and relieved that Martha Coakley was not elected to the Senatorial seat.

While reporters from Fox News (if nowhere else) have pointed out the typical Elitist expectations of a Liberal/Progressive Democrat that the seat was "her's for the taking", there is a bigger issue that has only been briefly touched upon by one national figure. On Tuesday's program Rush Limbaugh pulled out the "Feminist" card in discussing Coakley. Listening to Rush's comments made me almost fall out of my chair. It was as if I was listening to recordings of my comments made since the mid 80's.

For the past twenty five years, hardcore Feminists in the Northeast have exercised a level of cruelty unrecognized by any national media members. No, that isn't too strong a word. It is absolute reality.

Personally I have tried repeatedly to educate Americans across the country about the brutality toward men that is alive and well in Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Maine. Aside from Manhattan in New York, these areas have been the homes of Feminist Terrorists for many, many years. Think of Hillary Clinton's alma mater, Wellesley College. Then there is Smith in Northampton, the undisputed capital of Feminist sexuality since the late Sixties. These are the people who take great pride in their first "highjacking", stealing women's legitimate efforts in the 60's and 70's to create 'equality'. The "NOW-ified ERA" -- a pure Dominance and Control effort -- is their Holy Grail.

How has this played out?

In both Massachusetts and New Hampshire (even Pennsylvania) there are court records of fathers (you know, those people who lose custody 80% of the time) being billed as much as 160% of their GROSS income for the "support" of ONE CHILD. Of course the majority of Americans still don't realize that there isn't a state in the country that REQUIRES PROOF that even one cent of "child support" has been spent on the child. Over the years Feminists consistently fought to have parents who couldn't keep up with such support orders, labeled "Deadbeat Dads", despite the fact that there are females across the country who have walked away from similar requirements.

In another child-related issue in which Martha Coakley and Feminism crossed paths was the "Fells Acre Day Care" case. Radical Feminists within the therapeutic community (Social Workers are also literally trained to terrorize, condemn and marginalize men in college classrooms in New England), subjected children to brainwashing and severe manipulation so the children would create horrific stories about staff actions in the day care facility. Children ended up making up stories that would make any UFO enthusiast into a follower for life. The problem was Coakley allowed an astounding amount of testimony to be proffered and all those charged were convicted.

Of course as appeals were processed, the truth came our years later and the misconduct of the prosecution team, "professional therapists" and other members of the railroading effort were exposed. Was anyone ever prosecuted for misconduct or lying about what they did? No.

The Fells Acre case was not unique. A similar extreme level of misconduct happened in Worcester County, Massachusetts when a social worker put six children in a meeting together to see who could come up with the 'best abuse story' about a male school teacher from Sturbridge. The basis of the case was a local woman had filed for a divorce from a husband who had no money. She looked at a local family who had actually befriended her child in the past and 'pointed the finger'. Along with the accusation came a $300,000 law suit. When a local judge threw out all but one charge in a probable cause hearing, he was giving her a gracious way to walk away but, backed by Feminists out to claim another scalp, she continued.

She forced her young daughter to testify (and lie) in an open courtroom in which the girl was actually admonished for 'making up stories' by the judge. It took a jury a little over 40 minutes to return a verdict of "Not Guilty", even though a few members wanted to 'hang out' long enough to get a free lunch!

Were things much different in New Hampshire or Maine? No.

A female school teacher in Hampton, NH made a surrogate of her teenage daughter for years, actually admitted the coercion and her refusal to participate in family counseling or seek any method to stop orchestration of incestuous abuse in the home. The outcome? Of course her husband went to prison (even though he actually left the marriage, participated in years of counseling for being an 'abused spouse' and a rape victim at his wife's hands). The Feminists portrayed the wife as "the victim" and she was awarded 99% of family and his business assets in a 'No Fault' divorce.

In another case from New Hampshire, a woman hires two other people to help her commit a 'home invasion' and kidnapping of her daughter. The plan was to kill her In-Laws and former husband and snatch the child and take her out of state. The criminal team showed up dressed in Ninja outfits, with concrete blocks to sink the bodies of the three adults in a lake at Governor's Island. The plan failed and the two people she hired went to prison. But her attorneys dressed her in a outfit straight out of Amish country of Pennsylvania, complete with new 'horn rim' glasses. Again she was portrayed as a 'victim' and ACQUITTED OF ALL CHARGES.

Maine holds the ultimate trump card for a 'Feminist Victory'. A woman in southern Maine got 'upset' because her live-in boyfriend had sex with another woman. She killed him.

How was it handled in the courts? She was declared to be a 'Battered Woman' (even though there was no proof of the man ever laying a hand on the woman), and that status was a viable excuse to find her not guilty of any crime.

These true stories are just a few examples of Feminist cruelty. Keep that in mind when you listen to the irrational babbling and questionable actions of some of the females running for public office. Clearly not all women are like this and it's very, very important to point out hundreds of thousands of women back Sarah Palin because she is nothing like this. Nancy Pelosi and almost every other woman currently serving in Washington, are a whole other matter.

Thank you Rush for speaking out. It only took New Hampshire 30 YEARS, but perhaps we can finally start a national discussion on 'The Status of Men'.

Like I said, it's been an interesting week.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


A few days ago some in the national media (including Fox News), ran with a story about a man in Virginia being naked in his own home.

For many viewers there could well have been a variety of reactions to the story so I have chosen to reveal an on-going problem with media members completely missing the point and misleading people.

The gist of things is this:

A neighborhood woman is walking with her young son at 5 in the morning.
Question: Is she a "professional" woman who has no other time in her schedule to be with her child? It's hard to imagine a youngster shouldn't be in bed getting the reasonable sleep so many of them desperately need.

The woman walks through a neighbor's yard (there is no indication or report that they are "friends" or anything other than two people who live in the same neighborhood).

Question: Isn't she trespassing to be on his property? At 5 am it is likely still dark and she actually is endangering her child because both could be mistaken for prowlers.

The man who lives in his home has a long-standing habit of sleeping in the nude and being an early riser himself, he has walked into his kitchen to brew some coffee. That is not against any law on the books in Virginia. In fact, being in one's own home has long been one of the strongest arguments in law concerning a reasonable expectation of privacy. That is the linch pin in the majority of "illegal search and seizure" court disputes.

While he is at the coffee pot (not standing in a window even looking out at the weather), the woman and her son walk by the kitchen window.

I don't know about you, but I can't remember the last time I saw a home design that had a kitchen window face the street so I believe it is safe to assume the woman is walking through this man's back yard, again clearly trespassing on his property.

She sees his naked body through the window (there is no indication that her son sees him as well), does not respect his privacy THAT SHE IS VIOLATING and she calls the local police and reports the man for "exposing" himself.

The man returns to his bedroom (there is no indication he even knew someone may have seen him), and he goes back to bed. Some time later police (plural) enter his home unannounced (with force?), and walk into his bedroom. They refuse to address the man's questions as to why they are there and they arrest him (for exposure).

Procedures at every level are violated perhaps because the woman who made the complaint is the wife of a local police officer.

Now the real questions.

If the woman was a self-confessed trespasser why wasn't she charged?

If the woman looked into the window of someone's home uninvited or without some reasonable excuse like they were close friends, she is guilty of being a "Peeping Tom" and a "Sexual Offender". Why wasn't she charged with that crime?

If police act in such a heavy handed way to barge into a person's home unannounced and awaken a sleeping home owner, there are no exigent circumstances (like the disposal of drugs or life-threatening scenario), why aren't all of those involved suspended pending an investigation of their actions.

The appearance of undue influence by the woman over the police authority (based on the marital connection or more simply a gender bias) is a very serious matter on par with any accusations of "racism" that arise in other inappropriate actions of police.

This whole episode is an accurate reflection of just how Feminism and the on-going war against men is unacceptable. Men's Rights are almost non-existant in American Society today. Remember, 80% of fathers still lose custody of their children in legal cases every day. In far too many cases fathers are (by the new wave of female judges or male judges who believe they "need" female approval) being Ordered to pay up to 160% of their gross income to support as few as one child. When they can't possibly fulfill these requirements, then they are quickly labeled "dead beats" and ridiculed by an ignorant media.

But of all the things that are absolutely wrong about this particular case is the life-long, electronic outcome of this man's arrest.

The computer records that were made of this police call and the man's actual (FALSE) arrest will live forever in data banks worldwide. Even the potential of a future judge ordering all information to be "expunged" will graphically illustrate how futile such an effort really is. In this day and age computers copy computers and the spread of uncontrolled data is an every day occurrence.

For the rest of his life this man, his employers, the legal community and others can and will see him represented as a "pervert" because of a sexual crime he was arrested for in 2009.

I sincerely hope the Chief of Police who oversees the officers involved in this incident orders a thorough investigation. I beg all investigators to avoid the overused and abused term "justified" in any report. That has become a loop hole for inappropriate police action that you could drive a truck through.

I hope true justice will prevail and the woman will be arrested for both trespassing and her actions as a Peeping Tom (whatever local or state laws cover such an event).

Finally, I hope the man who was victimized by the woman and the police retains a very aggressive attorney and sues all involved for violating his rights. While most government bodies unjustly drape themselves in ordinances that hold them harmless to many things, the long-term draconian effect to this man and his future justify the Police Department's exposure.

The woman was wrong. She was arrogant and out-of-control (obviously having been placated too often in the past) and she also should be investigated for being an "unfit mother", regarding her actions with her son. Did she even make an effort to "look away" or tell her boy to do the same?

Switch genders in this event and place a man on the outside looking in. Who would have been arrested in that case? Don't kid yourself. You already know. You also know he could well have lost custody of his son or daughter if one of them were with him.

All must recognize the severity of the gender war that is at hand. It is time for others to help start turning this Titanic around and away from the iceberg that is a total loss of Men's Rights.

Monday, June 8, 2009


All too often Americans are hearing from the Obama Administration that they are "saving or creating" hundreds of thousands of jobs. Anyone knows that is total BS and the ultimate kind of unprovable spin.

What many people haven't been told is just where this form of treachery came from.


Thirty years ago some of the bleeding heart liberals were looking around for new ways to tap into the "Evergreen Theory". In a brainstorming session one day (probably held at a Liberal Arts college in the Northeast), a group of hardcore Feminists decided that more of their graduating seniors could find work in Social Services if broader attention was brought to the Sexual Abuse of Children.

"What a fantastic idea!" the group proclaimed. "We can create a whole new kingdom, employ our brainwashed followers and eventually put ourselves into very high-paying positions as the rulers of all the new programs."

It sounded so good and it sounded so easy. Just scare the Hell out of people, appeal to their emotions and get their money. What was an added benefit for the Feminists was the established (false) perception that ONLY men abused children.

They began their campaign setting up "programs", "safe houses", "media blitzes" and the indoctrination of prosecutors by "helping" to interview children who were possibly victims. The Massachusetts case of the Fells Acre Day Care Center comes to mind. The CASA volunteers program is another.

In the Fells Acre Case interviews were done by Social Service workers (not experienced, licensed therapists) which years later were totally discredited as "leading" and "manipulative". Children repeatedly made up exaggerated stories that -- lacking the political firestorm the Feminists whipped up -- would not have been trusted or believed by any judge or jury in the country.

The CASA program to "help and support victims" was similarly discredited when leaders didn't disavow statements made by prosecutors that the program should be funded and expanded "because they help bring more convictions". They were also justifiably criticized because they routinely abandoned "victims" once criminal proceedings concluded. The more the organization was a tool for the government (not the victim), the more the focus and resources changed.

For years these realities were swept under the rug. But there was one immediate problem for those who had visions of both power and control as well as impressive salaries.

Based on available statistics, the numbers simply weren't high enough to create a landslide of support and additional funding. The "mother load" of getting donation support directly from the general public was not materializing.

"How can we fix this?" decried the masterminds. "How can we get more money?"

That's when "Abuse v2.0" was born.

"Let's take the existing (rather low) numbers of reported Childhood Sexual Abuse and concoct a way to dramatically expand them so people will really take notice and be afraid."

And then the stairway to the "Holy Grail" was created.

"We tried combining 'reported' case statistics with our imaginary 'unreported' estimates and the media and the public seemed to buy into that. Why not throw in "abuse" statistics -- again reported and unreported -- to send the numbers into the stratosphere?"

The groups understood that "abuse" was an extremely fluid category and everything from a raised voice to micro waving your children in an oven could be included. They also realized another term would be an additional catalyst: "neglect".

Even taken at reported face value, to add general abuse and neglect numbers to the sexual abuse of children, it would inflate the figures in an exponential manner. Suddenly the term "Sexual Abuse of Children" was replaced by the new terminology, "Abuse and Neglect of Children".

In a pre-planned, effective onslaught on people's fears, the groups kept pounding away on the sexual abuse of children within any discussion using the new "abuse and neglect" approach so in the mind of the public the two became synonymous. What was even more rewarding to the Feminists originators was that, even though as much as 90% of the newly included numbers were acts committed by females, the misperception retained by the general public was that all this abuse was primarily perpetrated by males. Women had discovered the first, true Nuclear Bomb of Feminism!

In this case, compared to the Obama jobs statistics, these are the same people intentionally misleading our entire society for their own political and financial gain. The "Abuse and Neglect" concept could easily have been revealed as a fraud but the media and others never even tried. Obama's claims are harder to disprove but no less distorted and laughable -- IF ONLY THE MEDIA AND THE GENERAL PUBLIC WOULD SIMPLY CALL THEM A LIE -- we would be so much better off.