Monday, January 11, 2010



Over the years the producers of “60 Minutes” on CBS has put their foot in their mouth or been caught red-handed with bogus reporting. A segment on Sunday’s broadcast was neither. IT WAS A FLAT OUT EFFORT AT PROPAGANDA on behalf of the President and the Democratic Party. It smacked to me as if Katie Couric (or a KC wanna-be) was the editor of the piece. SHAME ON ALL OF YOU!

As reported on Fox News Monday, the “news” program did a segment on the new book “Game Change” by
John Heikmann and Mark Helperin that is due out Tuesday.

What was truly outrageous was the content of that segment.

Out of a 13:03 (13 minutes, 3 second) feature, producers dedicated their time in this fashion:

Negative coverage of Sarah Palin consumed 5 minutes, 20 seconds in the first section.
Coverage of Hillary Clinton consumed 30 seconds.
President Obama -- the virtual target of Harry Reid’s controversial racist remarks -- was featured for less than one minute (58 seconds) .
Sarah Palin was revisited for an additional 4 minutes, 44 seconds.
Hillary Clinton was back in focus for one minute.

Every bit of the whispers and CYA conversations in Washington DC this past weekend were about Harry Reid and what he said (about Obama) in 2008. The book authors quoted Reid's comments on Barack Obama’s run for the Presidency in this way: “He (Reid) was wowed by Obama’s oratorical gifts and believed that the country was ready to embrace a black presidential candidate, especially one such as Obama. A ‘light-skinned’ African-American ‘with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one.”

While the comment shows a form of support for Obama, it clearly illustrates that Reid believed Barack was a great “talking head” and was effective at manipulating the Black community with an uncharacteristic level of ebonics.

Was this the heart of the CBS coverage of the book? NO!

In fact, when you look at the total of timed segments this is how it boils down:

Sarah Palin: Ten minutes, 4 seconds
Hillary Clinton: One minute, thirty seconds
Barack Obama: 58 seconds

There was NO interview or time spent with Harry Reid. In fact there was no mention of his statement about Obama.

Another hot zone in the “Game Change” book is a Bill Clinton quote. Clinton ran afoul of Senator Ted Kennedy and triggered Kennedy’s endorsement of Obama by saying to him: “A few years ago, this guy (Obama) would have been getting us coffee.”

Hillary was not asked about the quote and Bill himself was not interviewed to discuss it.

The overwhelming bias in the segment and on the CBS 60 Minutes web site afterward is an affront to Americans everywhere and raises real questions as to any level of “fairness” or “accuracy” in their reporting. If the FCC fines a network hundreds of thousands of dollars for one slip of the tongue with a swear word these days, where is their reaction with licensing that clearly and totally violates the “public good” regulations?

I hope you will pass along the link to this blog. People need to know!

Sunday, January 10, 2010



A video clip of a 9/24/08 Fox News story by Britt Hume and Bret Bajer, clearly shows President George W. Bush (you know, the guy who gets blamed for everything by the Obama Administration), Senator John (I’m not always a RINO) McCain, Treasury Secretary John Snow and Fed Chief Alan Greenspan, all warned the Congress that unbridled expansion and power within the Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae mortgage industries would lead to the housing crisis and meltdown disaster that America has been -- and continues -- living through.

We have been told that this video has been REMOVED from the United States version of YouTube as if we Americans were no better than the Chinese when the government needs to shut people up. At this point we do have the clip from a Canadian source and it is here for you to look at and digest.

One concept that I have yet to see discussed on any major network -- Fox or otherwise -- is just why people like Barney Frank and Chuck Shumer were so interested in promoting this financial nightmare. I have suggested from time to time that other than the usual Democratic Party approach of making more people dependent -- or at least more beholding -- to the government, are these rather simple facts of life in America.

(1) Government funds that are easily earmarked for certain geographical areas help build politically defined demographic regions of the country where Democrats have their strongest base, so why not expand or repopulate those neighborhoods?

(2) Americans don’t actually own any real estate. We have a Feudalistic system where -- with the exception of churches, schools and a some non-profits, EVERYONE must pay taxes to live on or in their own property. If we do not pay, we are evicted and our property is seized. In reality WE MERELY RENT from the government.

(3) Real estate taxes are the number one source of income for local municipalities and if that revenue stream was not in place, cities and towns would have to look to state and federal coffers for funds.

The bottom line for Barney and Chuck could be easily explained. The more people we get into houses, the more we can overcome that nasty little problem where half the people in the United States don’t pay income taxes. Tah, dah! More money for government to spend.

Take a look at the video and copy the link from your browser and share it with your friends.


The Beltway gang is all abuzz today because of a new book “Game Change” by John Heikmann and Mark Helperin that’s due out Tuesday. This is a look back to 2007 and 2008 leading up to our last Presidential Election, with insider quotes from Harry Reid, Bill Clinton and others. Clearly it shows politics is still as digusting as ever.

The first, and perhaps largest firestorm, comes from a decidedly racial quote from Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. He summed up Barack Obama’s run for the Presidency in this way: “He (Reid) was wowed by Obama’s oratorical gifts and believed that the country was ready to embrace a black presidential candidate, especially one such as Obama. A ‘light-skinned’ African-American ‘with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one.”

While the comment shows a form of support for Obama, it clearly illustrates that Reid believed Barack was a great “talking head” and was effective at manipulating the Black community with an uncharacteristic level of ebonics.

When it became known that Reid’s comment was in the book, Reid -- who is in a losing (52% unfavorable rating) fight for his Congressional seat from Nevada -- made one of the quickest apologies on record for a politician. In direct contrast to prior condemation of people like Don Imus who have made any questionable remarks (and in which Obama and othersdemanded a resignation), this revelation brought an immediate “acceptance” of Reid’s apology by the President. Obviously the downside to making a stink would have been a virtual collaspe in support for Reid and his work to pass the massive and oft labeled “Unconstitutional” Health Care initiative both he and the President are cramming down Americans’ throat. There is no shame. There is only politics.

A comment from Bill Clinton that is cited in the book may have much longer legs and just as Joe Biden’s ad libs raise Hell with the Obama Administration from time to time, this will undoubtedly be a near fatal blow for any future aspirations Hillary Clinton has. Clinton ran afowl of Senator Ted Kennedy and triggered Kennedy’s endorsement of Obama by saying to Ted: “A few years ago, thiis guy would have been getting us coffee.”

That sounds so similar to another comment attributed to the Clintons. Reportedly they characterized Obama as “He’s a nice kid but he’ll never beat us.” Wrong.

It should be an interesting week with Rush and others on the radio and perhaps Beck, Hannity and more on TV.

Friday, January 8, 2010


Stop screaming at your TV as each and everyone of the Progressive Democrats and their "Spin Artists" lie to you everyday. It's time to get out of the house, out of your office and take to the streets and TAKE BACK YOUR COUNTRY!!!

Thanks to America Rising, here is the BEST video we have seen in months. It says it all in such simple terms, anyone can understand it. Invite EVERYONE YOU KNOW to come to the Satire Works blog site and watch this today!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Satire Works has now added

Satire Works has now added the ability to Blog from on the road!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Late Tuesday afternoon (ET), I listened to an interview from DC. The woman speaking said she had sat through a number of meetings during the day and -- in her opinion -- the new National Health Car Bill might be Dead On Arrival in the Senate.

Her reasoning was that there was so much that needed to be compromised and changed in the previously voted on legislation, Senators will actually be voting on nearly an entirely new Bill. As a technicality, this means the Democrats will be back to needing 60 votes to get it through. Last week the general consensus was that they would only need 51 for a "slightly modified" Bill but that's changed.

Listen for news reports and information leaks as Nancy and Harry and the gang go back behind closed doors.


Americans are gearing up for a national election to be held on November 2, 2010.

For the majority of people in the country this is shaping up to be the most important realignment of direction, power and authority that they have seen in their lifetime. Tea Parties, 9/12 and other events over the past year clearly reflect that there is a major level of discontentment within our society.

Will there be a massive shift from the stranglehold Congressional Democrats have had for years to a more Conservative approach? Many believe that this is not only possible, but very likely. Really?

After a year in which we have seen that no dirty trick, no lie or no level of ignoring the United States Constitution, was too much for Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid or Barack Obama and his organized crime family of administrators, I still think most Americans don't really "get it".

There are billions of TARP dollars that have yet to be spent by Washington that -- at the very least -- will continue to find there way into the districts of Congressional Democrats. As we head into July, August and September and the President and Democratic henchmen begin to finally understand CITIZENS WANT THEIR COUNTRY BACK, panic will rule the day. Remember the days late in the 2008 Presidential Election when the Clinton Campaign was quoted as saying "Nice kid, but he'll never beat us." And then reality came knocking and the deals began.

Deals are not going to work next Fall. Americans are not politicians. They are not in the game of wheeling and dealing. There will be no compromise. They want virtually EVERY DEMOCRAT to go!

Bribes and BS (Barack Speak) are not going to save the day for the Dems.

Faced with that there can be only one answer. Based on the track record of the Progressive Democrats who have kidnapped American there will be a classic "FALSE FLAG" attack on our nation.

Def: FALSE FLAG operations are COVERT INITIATIVES which are designed to deceive the public in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by other entities (our "enemies"). The name is derived from the military concept of flying false colors; that is, flying the flag of a country other than one's own.

What would be a "False Flag" under these circumstances? That's the tricky part.

Don't think for a minute that Obama has a clue. Once again he will turn to Soros and others that normally yank his puppet strings, but even these people don't have the answers. They only know how to get out a pipe or a billy club and do some persuading. They don't know the meaning of nuance.

So where does that leave them?

Actually all this supposition is a complete waste of time. While the "kids" of Obama's "Amateur Hour" get to play with the nation's economic future, taxation and even the value of our Constitution, the real power brokers -- the ones who tell Soros what to do -- are mostly overseas. Think of the de Rothschild Family (Banque privée Edmond de Rothschild), The Bilderberg Group, the Rockefellers (here in America) and -- a name you have never heard of -- Maurice Strong, the former United Nations crook who now "advises" and lives in China.

They know what must be done to manipulate Americans. I suspect that they already have a plan drawn up that will accomplish strategic goals and keep the Democrats in power.

(1) Any action must terrify the average citizen and encourage them to turn to the Federal Government for perceived safety and protection.

(2) A brief opportunity must be available for President Obama to cloak himself in the American flag, pretend to care and appear "patriotic".

(3) Every effort will be made by the national media for citizens themselves to rally around the President.

(4) Joe Biden will be hidden away so he can't play "Balloon Boy" and reveal the secret plan to everything.

Do you get it yet? The Crown Jewell to the plan is that November's NATIONAL ELECTION WILL BE POSTPONED -- INDEFINATELY!

Don't underestimate these people. Just imagine, if someone had told you just one year ago:

Our President would reduce your retirement plan's holdings of GM stock by 90% and give Unions a majority, controlling stake in GM.

Our President would bow to the King of Saudi Arabia.

Our President would burn 9,000 gallons of jet fuel to go plant a single tree on Earth Day.

Our President's Administration would okay Air Force One -- followed by a jet fighter -- flying low over millions of people in Manhattan.

Our President would create 32 political Czars who report directly to him, bypassing the House and Senate and undermining the Balance of Power standards in our county.

While we don't want to see a "False Flag" and certainly hope nothing like it happens, the "office pool" starts tomorrow.



Big Rig truck driver’s have long since been considered by many as being the “Last Great American Cowboys”. Just get in their way in Pittsburgh this time of year and if they don’t push you off the Interstate, they’ll at least scare you out of their way. Try driving in the center lane of I-95 or I-75 down south and if you aren’t going AT LEAST 75 to 80 mph, you will get run over!

But in all fairness to the rest of us, the real “open road” still belongs to those who want the wind in their hair, the bugs in their teeth and the freedom to ride their two wheeled horse without a “skid lid”. No, demographically these aren’t the gang members or “James Dean” bad boys of forty years ago, but they are the (both men and women) motorcycle riders of today.

The feeling of FREEDOM in their riding is alive (but not well) in 27 states today because despite repeated extortion attempts (withholding highway funds and more) and extreme pressure by bureaucrats in Washington, these states still allow adults to ride without helmets.

But take your photos of smiling bikers today because very, very shortly, the states’ right to allow such freedom will be squashed like a bug.

The outrageously Unconstitutional “Health Care Bill” (or whatever name it masquerades by today), is packed with so much back door power and regulation, it will be childs play for Federal Government Agencies and Regulators to simply send out a memo to law enforcement nationwide that make the wearing of a helmet MANDATORY. After all, it will cost the Federal Health Care Insurance Agency (Opps! Did I let the cat out of the bag?), if someone gets hurt.

Over the next six months at every single opportunity, ask, e-mail or phone your state legislators and inquire what have they done to stop yet another power grab by the Obama Administration from states across America.

Every state has a “Motorcyclist Rights” organization of one form or another. Contact them today and make sure their members are aware of this coming violation of their rights. On the national level it’s time to begin a letter-writing campaign to the AMA.

For those of you who don’t ride, understand you are next.

Remember all the cartoon jokes early last year when Obama began firing people and took over the auto industry. Remember all the pictures of the “Pelosi-mobile” that she'd love to order you buy and drive?

Understand, all the time this Organized Criminal government intervention is taking place, I'll ask you to watch out for one thing. The next time you are on a highway that has a HOV lane, you may notice that local or state laws allow "Hybrid" or electric vehicles to use that lane with only one person aboard. Oddly enough, 9 out of 10 of those drivers are speeding. (That's "conservation"?) It's like one of our stickers says: "A Prius isn't an ECO car, it's an EGO car!"