Showing posts with label nuclear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nuclear. Show all posts

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Here at Satire Works we are trying to give Americans a voice for their concerns with politicians and others who are in dramatic positions to radically affect life for citizens in the United States.

I've personally survived the violent deaths of Jack and Bobby Kennedy, MLK Jr., Malcom X, John Lennon and the attempts on others like Ronald Reagan. I've been around for the Korean, Viet Nam, Iraq, Afganistan and other less 'declared' and 'undeclared' wars. I 've seen the collapse of the Soviet Union, the financial rise and fall of Japan and now the near world domination of China as it uses a financial club as efficiently as any nuclear bomb.

The 'New World Order' predicted by President John Kennedy in 1962 is in a bloodless, but none-the-less ruthless battle with the Progressives. This on-going reach to gain the upper hand in an insane delusion of 'control' has been fought since the early 1930's, but there has never been a moment in history when there has been such a fever pitch.

Yet in the midst of such widespread monumental ego adventures, it's the Common Man who is being chewed up and tossed overboard from this Ship of State called America.

Wall Street investment houses were not 'allowed' to fail in 2008 and 2009. They should have been.

Based on GREED and INDIFFERENCE, the no apology approach of stealing from customers was perpetuated by our own government 'leaders'. It was as if 'Killing The Golden Goose' (that only laid eggs for the rich and powerful), was unthinkable.

The Clintons (remember, that couple who owned little more than the shirt on their backs when they entered the White House), somehow ended up with tens of millions of dollars ten years later. That was a display of Hillary's usual skill level in working the deal. She had fine tuned that act ever since post college days and the couple's excursions into the 'Red Zone' in Europe's field of play.

George Bush, Sr. did everything short of voting for Bill Clinton himself in losing his re-election. Was there a 'deal' involved? I certainly think so. Much like The Obama Ascension, room had to be made for George W. Bush. In Oby's case it was the Feminists who finally had to pay the ultimate price in having Hillary thrown under the bus. They're still pissed off that their unrestrained days of power are on the wain. (Just look at this past week's hubbub over Tim Teboe's ad scheduled for the Superbowl. How dare people disagree with them and their agendas!)

Not concerned yet? Try studying reports of a "Shadow Government" program that was instituted by Ronald Reagan. This removes the President, the Vice President and the Congress from power if indeed the country suffers a series of traumatic attacks from an outside source. Actually just one nuclear bomb -- smaller than a suitcase -- will ruin the day for 7 million people if it goes off in Washington DC one day THIS YEAR!

But of all the things that should scare you, this isn't actually one of them. The "National Command Authority" (yes, this program actually has a name), would set aside 100% of the political bickering and the obligatory 'blame game' politicians would be compelled to bask in. This unelected group would be the only opportunity to save the country.

That said, I'll go back to things that absolutely should scare the Hell out of you. The trouble is you have been face to face with these things for the past year and a half, but aside from the 9-12 and Tea Party groups, few Americans have the slightest clue how bad things are. Our once great America rests on quick sand. We live in an environment that in truth, is a cesspool mere inches below the surface.

Obama wanted to accomplish all his agenda in a big hurry because he knew if the plans and the issues behind it ever slowed down, the muck and the mire would swallow them up very quickly. It wasn't just health care. It was his raid on Corporate America and our entire system of Capitalism. He certainly didn't get everything he wanted but he's done enough to completely destroy the financial viability of America. Was he too stupid to know the eventual outcome? No. He was simply too arrogant to care. He is, after all, a Progressive. He has been raised to follow a mantra that only the elite feel has any value.

Now economists and many everyday Americans are seriously beginning to wonder what will be left of the U.S. economy after this insider attack on the lifeblood of our country.

We are living through a mild Depression (not a Recession). On the surface many find some comfort in the look that days aren't filled with endless lines of unemployed at homeless shelters all over the country. In actuality, while we may not see that on a massive scale, it's obvious to even the casual observer that that is an every day occurrence, if only on a smaller scale.

The important question is what will happen after this phase is over? Because the government has 'taken action', we expect to have a "recovery" but just what will that be like?

It appears more and more clear that -- EXACTLY LIKE 'MODERN MEDICINE' WITH DOZENS OF 'SIDE EFFECTS', this time the 'CURE' may actually be more harmful than the original disease.

As Fox TV Analyst Dick Morris says:

Had the Fed not almost tripled the money supply . . .

Had the government not almost doubled the deficit with new spending programs . . .

Had the Treasury not bought more than $1 trillion in questionable mortgage-backed securities (those that they are currently hiding from their book-keeping by calling them Accounts Receivables because they 'sold' the bad paper to ghost business like Mainline)...

And were the President not committed to major tax increases next year . . .

"Perhaps, a V-shaped bounce-back would be in the offing. But we are like the patient who has become addicted to his pain medication and now faces the entirely new task of adjusting to the rigors of cold turkey."

If I told you a nuclear bomb was going to go off in your neighborhood tomorrow you'd grab a few of your valuables, jump in your car and beat feet out of town.

Would you try to make the same escape if I said the bomb was an economic nuclear missile instead?

I've been told the average 50 year-old American has saved less than $2,500 for their retirement. With life expectancy now stretching ten to thirty years longer than in the past, just how do you expect to feed yourself and put a roof over your head in your many, many declining years?

I think that is a very frightening thought. Don't you?

Monday, June 8, 2009


All too often Americans are hearing from the Obama Administration that they are "saving or creating" hundreds of thousands of jobs. Anyone knows that is total BS and the ultimate kind of unprovable spin.

What many people haven't been told is just where this form of treachery came from.


Thirty years ago some of the bleeding heart liberals were looking around for new ways to tap into the "Evergreen Theory". In a brainstorming session one day (probably held at a Liberal Arts college in the Northeast), a group of hardcore Feminists decided that more of their graduating seniors could find work in Social Services if broader attention was brought to the Sexual Abuse of Children.

"What a fantastic idea!" the group proclaimed. "We can create a whole new kingdom, employ our brainwashed followers and eventually put ourselves into very high-paying positions as the rulers of all the new programs."

It sounded so good and it sounded so easy. Just scare the Hell out of people, appeal to their emotions and get their money. What was an added benefit for the Feminists was the established (false) perception that ONLY men abused children.

They began their campaign setting up "programs", "safe houses", "media blitzes" and the indoctrination of prosecutors by "helping" to interview children who were possibly victims. The Massachusetts case of the Fells Acre Day Care Center comes to mind. The CASA volunteers program is another.

In the Fells Acre Case interviews were done by Social Service workers (not experienced, licensed therapists) which years later were totally discredited as "leading" and "manipulative". Children repeatedly made up exaggerated stories that -- lacking the political firestorm the Feminists whipped up -- would not have been trusted or believed by any judge or jury in the country.

The CASA program to "help and support victims" was similarly discredited when leaders didn't disavow statements made by prosecutors that the program should be funded and expanded "because they help bring more convictions". They were also justifiably criticized because they routinely abandoned "victims" once criminal proceedings concluded. The more the organization was a tool for the government (not the victim), the more the focus and resources changed.

For years these realities were swept under the rug. But there was one immediate problem for those who had visions of both power and control as well as impressive salaries.

Based on available statistics, the numbers simply weren't high enough to create a landslide of support and additional funding. The "mother load" of getting donation support directly from the general public was not materializing.

"How can we fix this?" decried the masterminds. "How can we get more money?"

That's when "Abuse v2.0" was born.

"Let's take the existing (rather low) numbers of reported Childhood Sexual Abuse and concoct a way to dramatically expand them so people will really take notice and be afraid."

And then the stairway to the "Holy Grail" was created.

"We tried combining 'reported' case statistics with our imaginary 'unreported' estimates and the media and the public seemed to buy into that. Why not throw in "abuse" statistics -- again reported and unreported -- to send the numbers into the stratosphere?"

The groups understood that "abuse" was an extremely fluid category and everything from a raised voice to micro waving your children in an oven could be included. They also realized another term would be an additional catalyst: "neglect".

Even taken at reported face value, to add general abuse and neglect numbers to the sexual abuse of children, it would inflate the figures in an exponential manner. Suddenly the term "Sexual Abuse of Children" was replaced by the new terminology, "Abuse and Neglect of Children".

In a pre-planned, effective onslaught on people's fears, the groups kept pounding away on the sexual abuse of children within any discussion using the new "abuse and neglect" approach so in the mind of the public the two became synonymous. What was even more rewarding to the Feminists originators was that, even though as much as 90% of the newly included numbers were acts committed by females, the misperception retained by the general public was that all this abuse was primarily perpetrated by males. Women had discovered the first, true Nuclear Bomb of Feminism!

In this case, compared to the Obama jobs statistics, these are the same people intentionally misleading our entire society for their own political and financial gain. The "Abuse and Neglect" concept could easily have been revealed as a fraud but the media and others never even tried. Obama's claims are harder to disprove but no less distorted and laughable -- IF ONLY THE MEDIA AND THE GENERAL PUBLIC WOULD SIMPLY CALL THEM A LIE -- we would be so much better off.