Showing posts with label children. Show all posts
Showing posts with label children. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


If you thought the two videos that were previously exposed nationally -- in which school children were political pawns in praising President Obama -- were disturbing, then maybe this will help you understand those were not anomalies. Americans everywhere must walk into their schools and see what is going on.

Here is a web site that has received 11 similar videos in schools from coast to coast.

This isn't "Hail to the Chief", it's far too much like "Praise the Messiah".

Please give your friends this blog link and spread the news.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Next Tuesday, September 8th, President Barack Obama will take a page from the playbook of NAZI Germany, trying to take control of the minds of children. The Youth Troops in Germany were heavily indoctrinated to worship State Leadership even to the point of "reporting" on their own parents when those adults weren't following party lines.

There can be only one response to this outrageous -- yet fully predictable -- mind control program. Not only must you keep your children out of school next Tuesday, it is your responsibility as a good parent to spend time with them and do something to educate them and reenforce beliefs in true patriotism in America.

Devote the day to reading the United States Constitution together. Speak about how America has been the greatest nation in the world for over 200 years because its people work hard, are compassionate for others and are willing to stand up to oppression and radical agendas wherever they may come from.

You have time right now to contact your neighbors, your friends and other like-minded individuals and organize community events or valuable "field trips" to museums or other destinations.

Those in Volusia County might simply stop by Embry-Riddle University and sit beneath the wings of the Wright Flyer statue on the main campus. That's a monument to hard work, inspiration and achievement.

You might also take your children to the opposite end of the spectrum and go to local Welfare Offices and have your children see for themselves just who is in line. That's Barack Obama's goal for them but is that what they want for their future?

Like Jim Jones controlled the minds of his followers and instructed them to march down a path to personal destruction -- drinking his death potion -- President Obama and his gang of radicals are just as deadly as they lie to and mislead our children.

Monday, June 8, 2009


All too often Americans are hearing from the Obama Administration that they are "saving or creating" hundreds of thousands of jobs. Anyone knows that is total BS and the ultimate kind of unprovable spin.

What many people haven't been told is just where this form of treachery came from.


Thirty years ago some of the bleeding heart liberals were looking around for new ways to tap into the "Evergreen Theory". In a brainstorming session one day (probably held at a Liberal Arts college in the Northeast), a group of hardcore Feminists decided that more of their graduating seniors could find work in Social Services if broader attention was brought to the Sexual Abuse of Children.

"What a fantastic idea!" the group proclaimed. "We can create a whole new kingdom, employ our brainwashed followers and eventually put ourselves into very high-paying positions as the rulers of all the new programs."

It sounded so good and it sounded so easy. Just scare the Hell out of people, appeal to their emotions and get their money. What was an added benefit for the Feminists was the established (false) perception that ONLY men abused children.

They began their campaign setting up "programs", "safe houses", "media blitzes" and the indoctrination of prosecutors by "helping" to interview children who were possibly victims. The Massachusetts case of the Fells Acre Day Care Center comes to mind. The CASA volunteers program is another.

In the Fells Acre Case interviews were done by Social Service workers (not experienced, licensed therapists) which years later were totally discredited as "leading" and "manipulative". Children repeatedly made up exaggerated stories that -- lacking the political firestorm the Feminists whipped up -- would not have been trusted or believed by any judge or jury in the country.

The CASA program to "help and support victims" was similarly discredited when leaders didn't disavow statements made by prosecutors that the program should be funded and expanded "because they help bring more convictions". They were also justifiably criticized because they routinely abandoned "victims" once criminal proceedings concluded. The more the organization was a tool for the government (not the victim), the more the focus and resources changed.

For years these realities were swept under the rug. But there was one immediate problem for those who had visions of both power and control as well as impressive salaries.

Based on available statistics, the numbers simply weren't high enough to create a landslide of support and additional funding. The "mother load" of getting donation support directly from the general public was not materializing.

"How can we fix this?" decried the masterminds. "How can we get more money?"

That's when "Abuse v2.0" was born.

"Let's take the existing (rather low) numbers of reported Childhood Sexual Abuse and concoct a way to dramatically expand them so people will really take notice and be afraid."

And then the stairway to the "Holy Grail" was created.

"We tried combining 'reported' case statistics with our imaginary 'unreported' estimates and the media and the public seemed to buy into that. Why not throw in "abuse" statistics -- again reported and unreported -- to send the numbers into the stratosphere?"

The groups understood that "abuse" was an extremely fluid category and everything from a raised voice to micro waving your children in an oven could be included. They also realized another term would be an additional catalyst: "neglect".

Even taken at reported face value, to add general abuse and neglect numbers to the sexual abuse of children, it would inflate the figures in an exponential manner. Suddenly the term "Sexual Abuse of Children" was replaced by the new terminology, "Abuse and Neglect of Children".

In a pre-planned, effective onslaught on people's fears, the groups kept pounding away on the sexual abuse of children within any discussion using the new "abuse and neglect" approach so in the mind of the public the two became synonymous. What was even more rewarding to the Feminists originators was that, even though as much as 90% of the newly included numbers were acts committed by females, the misperception retained by the general public was that all this abuse was primarily perpetrated by males. Women had discovered the first, true Nuclear Bomb of Feminism!

In this case, compared to the Obama jobs statistics, these are the same people intentionally misleading our entire society for their own political and financial gain. The "Abuse and Neglect" concept could easily have been revealed as a fraud but the media and others never even tried. Obama's claims are harder to disprove but no less distorted and laughable -- IF ONLY THE MEDIA AND THE GENERAL PUBLIC WOULD SIMPLY CALL THEM A LIE -- we would be so much better off.

Thursday, May 14, 2009



OK.  First things first.  I am writing this particular blog in response to an e-mail from Chuck Norris.  A lot of you won't like it because, like Chuck, you have been badly misinformed about an important issue.  The U.S. Congress may soon vote on a Bill that extends the "Hate Laws" to include more citizens of the country.  Many are over-reacting to the Bill.  With that said, I invite you to patiently read to the end of this note.

Mr. Norris: 

Satire Works is a web site that has over 70 examples of slogans to relieve people's frustration with Washington and other issues in life.  Your current e-mail touches on a subject dear to our hearts.

Your appeal to have people denounce the "protection act" currently being considered is troubling because it reflects a widespread misunderstanding of the subject.

On-air reporters at Fox News touched on this same bill last week, and rather incredibly, they virtually endorsed people's right to harass, beat or even kill "pedophiles" in their objections to the bill.  In truth politicians, police, judges and many in the general public have exercised repeated acts of discrimination, largely because of hatred and prejudice.  Reduced job opportunities, rejection or eviction from housing, Unconstitutional harassment, denial of every day rights (under the pretext that a sex offender "might" do something), is all part of daily challenges for people who simply want to have a life today.  Are they not guaranteed a "pursuit of happiness" under the same Constitution you and I live with?  Is it so hard to understand that the overwhelming majority of such prior offenders are dealing with lifelong issues of "rejection" and this is just another hurdle?

The unknown truth about the "Sex Offender / Pedophile" issue is THE BIG LIE and that Americans have been lead by the nose with close to 30 years of fabricated "facts" by those who simply want to solidify six figure incomes in a variety of "child safety" organizations by scaring people.  More than any other group, Feminists have used this as their nuclear bomb against men, successfully misbranding the threat to children as overwhelmingly a "boggy man" problem.

Some real facts you ought to know:

(1) Both children and adults are subjected to abuse and any instance of that is unacceptable.  Realistically the overwhelming instances of this happens within the home with relatives or close associates.  Up to 99% of those on a "Sex Offender List" will never be a threat to a child walking down the street, visiting a park to play or going to Walmart.  In statistical order the threat comes from: natural fathers, natural mothers, step fathers, step mothers, siblings, close relatives, "friends" and (in the smallest group) strangers.

Understand that LESS THAN 200 PEOPLE -- in a nation of 300 million -- are kidnapped each year.  Of that 200, the largest demographic is young male and female adults in the 15 to 25 year old age range.  The next largest group is adults 25 to 50+ and the smallest group is minor children (both boys and girls).  Think of this.  With satellite news broadcast capability at every TV station in America, any time a child is "abducted and murdered", the story goes national within seconds.  The coverage makes people feel the event happened "next door" and it does create an unrealistic level of fear.  That is the very thing fund-raisers thrive on.  

If this was a statistically significant issue, reporters would have one of these awful stories every day on the evening news.  Even at that, we would be hearing about 365 instances in the aforementioned 300 million population.  In direct contrast to this fear-filled yellow journalism, over 5,000 teenagers are killed in motor vehicle accidents each year.  That's nearly 14 a day compared to perhaps less than 1 child a month (if you believe 10 children are abducted and killed each year).  Where is the daily outrage and education about teen driving?  There is no comparison.

(2) Tragically, 86% of the victims of a sexual assault by a female are not believed when they report the assault to authorities.  The age-old "Mom and Apple Pie" mentality that females just don't do this kind of thing, is alive and well in the American justice system.

(3) Less than one half of one per cent of Females who commit a sexual assault ever SERVE a day in jail.  A small (but growing) number get questioned and a few even arrested.  They won't be charged with Statutory Rape as their actions demand, but most often a lesser offense even if they are a multiple offender.  (Female teachers come to mind.)  This "protected" approach continues to the extremely small number who are actually taken to trial by either not finding them guilty of their actions or giving them "house arrest" or an other slap-on-the-wrist penalty.  As exemplified in multiple cases in Florida, even when these same females VIOLATE parole or detention guidelines, their suspended maximum sentence is NEVER imposed.

A recent example in Port Orange, Florida was taylor-made for the "To Catch A Predator" series from NBC's Dateline (a program that never once had an episode featuring females).  An officer from Port Orange engaged a female sexual offender (who was on parole) with sexual conversations on the Internet.  That officer gave the woman the impression the conversation was with a minor female and it continued.

When the officer moved to violate the woman's parole, once again a Floridian judge excused her actions and issued an order that there was no violation!  This is exactly the same response given in the Debra LaVabre case when she flirted with a teenage girl while on work-release from house arrest.  Female Sex Offenders are in a Class of their own.

(4) Abuse therapists across the country have acknowledged for years that (at least) 40% of sexual assaults are committed by females.  Why is it that -- on average -- "Sex Offender Lists" in every state are populated with zero to five per cent females?  That means thousands of females who are perpetrators are free to reoffend.  Want to be concerned?  In every neighborhood, in every town or city, in every state, you'll never know if you have a female sexual predator living next door!

(5) Twenty five years ago, when national statistics on the sexual abuse of children were TOO LOW to get the attention and outrage of American citizens -- and efforts had already begun to create the impression males were ALWAYS the perpetrator -- organizational heads felt they had to come up with a new approach in order to raise money.  Their decision was to combine statistics from "sexual abuse" with the much, much larger "general abuse and neglect" stats.  From that day forward the appeal was expanded with the reference "sex abuse and neglect" so huge imaginary numbers could be used.

The glaring misrepresentation in this approach is that up to 80 to 90% of (non-sexual) abuse and 90% of neglect is committed by females who are frequently "caregivers".  This group of perpetrators includes both young females (baby-sitters, sisters, neighborhood friends) and adult females (mothers, teachers, relatives and more).  Simply stated, the scare tactics and money grab from such "child safety" organizations -- who often have administrators or staff earning six or even severn-figure incomes -- relies on the "men are the monster" mindset.  This campaign completely ignores reality and a true effort at protecting children, by failing to educate Americans that the actions of females are of grave concern.

Is it any wonder that the "Sex Offender" issue continues to be the Nuclear Bomb of Feminism?  If the group can toss the issue at the public with little fear it will come back at them, it's an unqualified winner!

(6) Understand this.  More children are killed by their mother than their father, yet "infanticide" is rarely -- if ever -- included in child abuse statistics.  Does hiding that fact protect children?  No.

(7) In a related final thought, I suggest the next time you go into a Walmart you actually read the "Missing Children" board.  On a nationwide basis two thirds of "parental abductions" listed are suspected to have been done by the mother.  With legal custody awards of children still running around 80% for females (even when a father fights tooth and nail for his children), both lawyers and judges admit it takes a severe level of drug abuse or other illegal and detrimental activity by a mother in order to "lose" her children.  So if an "underground network" of women "help" a mother who has kidnapped her child, why does our society turn a blind eye to the inappropriateness and illegality of such organizations.  They are assisting "unfit" mothers to abuse their children.  A life in hiding and constant secrecy or movement is anything but a healthy, nurturing environment.

If you would like to discuss anything I have tried to expose to you, feel free to ad a comment, just don't expect fowl language to be posted.

Thanks for your understanding and your willingness to learn.

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