Showing posts with label radicals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label radicals. Show all posts

Monday, November 2, 2009


It's inevitable that over the next six months Americans are going to see some "changes" from the Republican Party. After all, haven't the events of the past few weeks in Virginia, New Jersey and New York been a pretty good head slap for the establishment?

Well despite what did or did not happen recently, let's not lose sight of another politician who made the word "change" (or was it really "chains"?), the most dishonest word in the English language. Why does the"lipstick on a pig" comment suddenly come to mind?

Let's get to the point. Don't be naive enough to expect much of anything to actually be different with the Grand Old Party. The operative word there is "Old" and yes, it does reflect the power brokers who will still be in complete control of things.

A few months ago Newt Gingrich reappeared on the national scene, making a number of TV and public appearances and once again proving he is a close second to Bird as an American historian. People began buying Gingrich/Palin 2012 bumper stickers from Satire Works (even females in Boston!), and things were looking interesting. And then he backed Dede Scozzafava in New York.

He didn't just back her, he practically scolded those of us from the lower class (non politicians) for even suggesting we shouldn't bow down or kneel before party "leaders" when they decreed that this hard core, Progressive Liberal was the chosen one for New Yorkers. When I saw Newt on Fox News endorsing her I had to leave the room to puke.

That's what Conservatives are up against. Halloween may be over but don't expect the power brokers at the GOP to take the costumes off any time soon. And don't be fooled if you happen to notice them simply change disguises from time to time. Even when they have been locked out of the room in DC and have the least amount of power and influence in years, there are many political addicts who haven't even come close to "hitting bottom" and realizing they need to change. Today might be too soon for an "intervention" because their level of denial is still so strong, but as 2009 wraps up and we head into 2010 let's leave them as many holiday greetings as possible. In other words, tell them again and again and again, "inclusion" does not mean accepting Progressives or others who are left of center. We can be inclusive by keeping an open door to those who are driven from the Liberal Left because of its extremism, but don't plan on giving them the keys to the kingdom the next day!

The 2010 Election should be an absolute landslide victory for Republicans because the Obama Administration, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are very, very bad people. But if the Republican Party leaders BS us they won't deserve to celebrate even one new member in Congress. Talk about a "Lose - Lose" situation.

How do we avoid this insane outcome where the Republican slate of candidates is rejected and the Obama Radicals get to stay in power? We do it by searching out true conservatives today, tomorrow and every day from now until Election ("Ejection") Day, first to find great candidates and then to get them elected.

You've been warned. Now get to work.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

MADISON, WISCONSIN the PC capital of the U.S.

A national news story ran Tuesday about Madison, Wisconsin and it immediately reminded me of a four-day visit I made to the city last Summer.  For more than a month afterward I found myself engaged in conversations about how Madison was a radically left, politically correct environment.  To an "outsider", many things stood out as very suspect.

The proof came in the news story.  Local police took it upon themselves to secretly attach a GPS tracking device to a private citizen's automobile.  This is exactly the same type of intrusion and surveillance that police would be required to obtain a court order warrant if they wanted to plant "bugs" in your home or place of business.  Not only did the police act illegally in placing the GPS unit, they illegally trespassed by gong onto the home owner's property (again without any court order or warrant), to access the car.

Actions of the police were challenged in a current court case in Madison and the (activist) judge completely cleared them of any wrongdoing!  Obviously the right to privacy comes very low on the judge's level of importance.

This whole approach is far too similar to the Third Reich and NAZI Germany.  Don't think this can't happen to you unless we, as citizens of the United States yell at the top of our lungs "NO.  YOU CAN'T DO THAT!"

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