Showing posts with label Senate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Senate. Show all posts

Monday, March 8, 2010


I'm stupid. After more than 40 years of seeing fairly close up just how corrupt government workers are in our country, I thought I couldn't actually be surprised by anything they might do. Wrong.

Whether it's our elected politicians, the police or our (not so) "blind" legal system, I had learned long ago not to say (or even think) "B
ut they can't do that!" Believe me, they can.

But today an article from Erick Erickson in his "Red State Morning Briefing" absolutely stunned me. The article is titled: "The House Vote on the Senate Healthcare Bill Is the Final Vote; Obama Will Sign It Into Law". (Link)

According to SusanAnne Hiller, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has pulled the biggest con job on America since P.T. Barnum invented the phrase "There's a sucker born every minute." Reid has carried out a stealth campaign to actually rename an existing Bill (H.R.3950–the Service Members Home Ownership Tax Act of 2009, now called The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act) from the House, insert virtually the entire ORIGINAL Obama Health Care Bill (which is the ultimate government take over), and he got it PASSED in the Senate!!!!

This would mean that Nancy Pelosi (you know, the entirely corrupt and clinically insane Speaker of the House), just has to get enough votes to ratify the "changes" to an old Bill and then President (I don't care what you people want) Obama will sign it into law. Done deal.

"The deceptive practices to pass a government takeover of healthcare can be summed up as the ultimate betrayal by the Democrats against the American people in order to ram through their progressive, socialistic, freedom-stripping policies", says Erickson.

Send this link to every single person on your email list and encourage them to READ THIS! There is nothing more important for you to do between now and Election Day in November. Then it will be time to vote EVERY POLITICIAN out of office. The Democratic "Party" is over!

'Those who stand for nothing fall for anything.' -- Alexander Hamilton, 1978 is the home of America's voice.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


There was a lot of talk about how much money the Democratic Party poured into Massachusetts to try to save the recent election between Martha Coakley and Scott Brown.

Here is a spot that the Brown campaign ran on their own and you can clearly see why he won.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


I knew going into the week that things were about to get interesting. No, I didn't claim any level of clairvoyance or have a shining crystal ball to guide me, like many others I was just looking at the hand writing on the wall.

When (on Jan. 5th) the store side of Satire Works started selling stickers, pins and more promoting the campaign run of Scott Green in Massachusetts, it was obvious momentum was really beginning to pick up. On a daily basis sales would double and then double again. In fact even this morning we continue to fill orders related to the newly elected Senator Brown.

What's important to point out is that those sales were going to both men and women in basically equal numbers. But what may be even more surprising to many is that we sold these items to people in 19 states -- Massachusetts, California, New York, West Virginia, North and South Carolina, Maryland, Georgia, Illinois, Virginia, Delaware, Louisiana, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Oregon, New Jersey, Washington DC and Idaho. I think that speaks volumes about the national attention and support this election generated.


So where do things go from here? Senator-elect Brown is making the rounds in Washington today and whether it's intentional or not, his future role can be easily summed up by his public actions. One of his first meetings was with his "friend", Senator John McCain. Yes, THAT John McCain who angers Conservatives across America and represents some of the most Liberal (Progressive???) values and opinions of any currently serving U.S. Congressman.

I'm not saying Brown is actually getting the "Welcome" mat thrown out by the Democrats, but with his open comments this morning about his previous votes in support of the Massachusetts (failing) health care bills, this would be an excellent time to remind everyone of this. Scott Brown comes from a state that is well left of center (after all, that's why there was such an uproar over a Republican getting elected in Massachusetts). In truth he was elected by the "Independents" who represent nearly half of all registered voters. Bottom line? Think through the realities and you'll realize Brown is no Sarah Palin even if he does drive around in a Chevrolet pick up truck.

Is that a terrible thing? I don't think so. His election was a great example of Americans (no matter what state they live in), storming the wheelhouse on the Ship of State. The voters wrestled control away and steered the American Titanic from the iceberg that was dead ahead.

This is a great success story and it should be celebrated. At the same time take a good look over your shoulder and remember the impressions and expectations that were created leading up to the 2008 National Election. Brown is no Obama, but he's still a politician and quite honestly, based on his voting record in Mass, I expect him to be a left-leaning Centrist most of the time.

As a final word on that I'd like to bring out these thoughts. I am extremely pleased and relieved that Martha Coakley was not elected to the Senatorial seat.

While reporters from Fox News (if nowhere else) have pointed out the typical Elitist expectations of a Liberal/Progressive Democrat that the seat was "her's for the taking", there is a bigger issue that has only been briefly touched upon by one national figure. On Tuesday's program Rush Limbaugh pulled out the "Feminist" card in discussing Coakley. Listening to Rush's comments made me almost fall out of my chair. It was as if I was listening to recordings of my comments made since the mid 80's.

For the past twenty five years, hardcore Feminists in the Northeast have exercised a level of cruelty unrecognized by any national media members. No, that isn't too strong a word. It is absolute reality.

Personally I have tried repeatedly to educate Americans across the country about the brutality toward men that is alive and well in Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Maine. Aside from Manhattan in New York, these areas have been the homes of Feminist Terrorists for many, many years. Think of Hillary Clinton's alma mater, Wellesley College. Then there is Smith in Northampton, the undisputed capital of Feminist sexuality since the late Sixties. These are the people who take great pride in their first "highjacking", stealing women's legitimate efforts in the 60's and 70's to create 'equality'. The "NOW-ified ERA" -- a pure Dominance and Control effort -- is their Holy Grail.

How has this played out?

In both Massachusetts and New Hampshire (even Pennsylvania) there are court records of fathers (you know, those people who lose custody 80% of the time) being billed as much as 160% of their GROSS income for the "support" of ONE CHILD. Of course the majority of Americans still don't realize that there isn't a state in the country that REQUIRES PROOF that even one cent of "child support" has been spent on the child. Over the years Feminists consistently fought to have parents who couldn't keep up with such support orders, labeled "Deadbeat Dads", despite the fact that there are females across the country who have walked away from similar requirements.

In another child-related issue in which Martha Coakley and Feminism crossed paths was the "Fells Acre Day Care" case. Radical Feminists within the therapeutic community (Social Workers are also literally trained to terrorize, condemn and marginalize men in college classrooms in New England), subjected children to brainwashing and severe manipulation so the children would create horrific stories about staff actions in the day care facility. Children ended up making up stories that would make any UFO enthusiast into a follower for life. The problem was Coakley allowed an astounding amount of testimony to be proffered and all those charged were convicted.

Of course as appeals were processed, the truth came our years later and the misconduct of the prosecution team, "professional therapists" and other members of the railroading effort were exposed. Was anyone ever prosecuted for misconduct or lying about what they did? No.

The Fells Acre case was not unique. A similar extreme level of misconduct happened in Worcester County, Massachusetts when a social worker put six children in a meeting together to see who could come up with the 'best abuse story' about a male school teacher from Sturbridge. The basis of the case was a local woman had filed for a divorce from a husband who had no money. She looked at a local family who had actually befriended her child in the past and 'pointed the finger'. Along with the accusation came a $300,000 law suit. When a local judge threw out all but one charge in a probable cause hearing, he was giving her a gracious way to walk away but, backed by Feminists out to claim another scalp, she continued.

She forced her young daughter to testify (and lie) in an open courtroom in which the girl was actually admonished for 'making up stories' by the judge. It took a jury a little over 40 minutes to return a verdict of "Not Guilty", even though a few members wanted to 'hang out' long enough to get a free lunch!

Were things much different in New Hampshire or Maine? No.

A female school teacher in Hampton, NH made a surrogate of her teenage daughter for years, actually admitted the coercion and her refusal to participate in family counseling or seek any method to stop orchestration of incestuous abuse in the home. The outcome? Of course her husband went to prison (even though he actually left the marriage, participated in years of counseling for being an 'abused spouse' and a rape victim at his wife's hands). The Feminists portrayed the wife as "the victim" and she was awarded 99% of family and his business assets in a 'No Fault' divorce.

In another case from New Hampshire, a woman hires two other people to help her commit a 'home invasion' and kidnapping of her daughter. The plan was to kill her In-Laws and former husband and snatch the child and take her out of state. The criminal team showed up dressed in Ninja outfits, with concrete blocks to sink the bodies of the three adults in a lake at Governor's Island. The plan failed and the two people she hired went to prison. But her attorneys dressed her in a outfit straight out of Amish country of Pennsylvania, complete with new 'horn rim' glasses. Again she was portrayed as a 'victim' and ACQUITTED OF ALL CHARGES.

Maine holds the ultimate trump card for a 'Feminist Victory'. A woman in southern Maine got 'upset' because her live-in boyfriend had sex with another woman. She killed him.

How was it handled in the courts? She was declared to be a 'Battered Woman' (even though there was no proof of the man ever laying a hand on the woman), and that status was a viable excuse to find her not guilty of any crime.

These true stories are just a few examples of Feminist cruelty. Keep that in mind when you listen to the irrational babbling and questionable actions of some of the females running for public office. Clearly not all women are like this and it's very, very important to point out hundreds of thousands of women back Sarah Palin because she is nothing like this. Nancy Pelosi and almost every other woman currently serving in Washington, are a whole other matter.

Thank you Rush for speaking out. It only took New Hampshire 30 YEARS, but perhaps we can finally start a national discussion on 'The Status of Men'.

Like I said, it's been an interesting week.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Want ANOTHER reason to NOT vote for Martha Coakley???

Posted By Curt Schilling On January 14, 2010 @ 11:02 am

If she hasn’t done it yet, Martha Coakley may have just killed her campaign.

She’s apparently been trying to win the title of Worst Political Campaign Ever, and she might have just clinched it with her little dig at Scott Brown over Fenway Park.

The appearance characterizes Coakley’s approach to this truncated race. Aware that she has little time for the hand-shaking and baby-kissing of a standard political campaign, she has focused instead on rallying key political leader
s, Democratic activists, and union organizers, in hope they will get people to the polls.

… Despite that, there is a subdued, almost dispassionate quality to her public appearances, which are surprisingly few. Her voice is not hoarse from late-night rallies. Even yesterday, the day after a hard-hitting debate, she had no public campaign appearances in the state.

Coakley bristles at the suggestion that, with so little time left, in an election with such high stakes, she is being too passive.

“As opposed to standing outside Fenway Park? In the cold? Shaking hands?’’ she fires back, in an apparent reference to a Brown online video of him doing just that. “This is a special election. And I know that I have the support of Kim Driscoll. And I now know the members of the [Salem] School Committee, who know far more people than I could ever meet.’’

There are just so many things wrong with that statement.

It shows her elitism and arrogance unbelievably. Aside from the apparent feeling that the seat belongs to her just by virtue of her party, she just admitted that she doesn’t need to bother meeting with constituents because she’s meeting people like Kim Driscoll, and political leaders, and Democrat activists. I guess they’re the ones that matter, huh? I know it’s a “special election” and all, but that doesn’t mean that she doesn’t need to fight for this seat. Prancing around with this mindset of “Oh, I’m a Democrat, therefore Ted Kennedy’s seat just automatically belongs to me regardless of what the people think,” is idiotic. Acting as if she doesn’t need to
give her constituents the time of day is ludicrous. She can make all the snide remarks about Scott Brown shaking hands with people in the cold that she wants, but that’s what you’re supposed to do when you’re trying to get elected. She seems to have forgotten that she’s trying to get elected in Massachusetts, and not in Washington D.C. — if she remembered that, maybe she’d spend more time trying to impress Massachusetts voters and less time rubbing elbows with the Democrat establishment, Big Pharmacy lobbyists, and union leaders. Most normal politicians, Republican or Democrat, do go shake hands with voters. Even if it means standing in the cold outside of Fenway Park.

Finally, has she forgotten who she’s talking to? What state she’s wanting to represent in the Senate? It’s Massachusetts. You do not make sneering insults about Fenway Park. What’s she going to do next, insult the Red Sox? That’d really just be the cherry on top of a delig
htful campaign Fenway Park and the Red Sox are damned near sacred to Massachusetts residents, Bostonians in particular. Really, I’m starting to think that she just doesn’t want to get elected or something. Because anyone with half a modicum of sense knows that you do not go into Boston and mess with Fenway Park.


Scott Brown’s group will conduct the “BOLD NEW LEADERSHIP” Bus Tour Saturday, the 16th. With the special election just a few days away they are trying to show the people of Massachusetts that a victory can take place.

Thomas Crane Public Library Sat. 9 am
40 Washington Street
Quincy, MA

Wednesday, May 20, 2009